Focus on: Oral Pathology
Source: Author: Ashley Clark, DDS Ashley Clark, DDS, discusses the specialized field of oral pathology—from what an oral pathologist does, to how to become one, and when to refer your patients to one. Q: First, what is an oral pathologist? A: An oral pathologist is a job description that is difficult to define, but we all have one thing in common: We are trained in microscopy to diagnose oral, skin, and jaw lesions. That is the most essential part of the profession that binds us all. We are also trained in clinical oral pathology—how to identify and manage oral diseases. Usually, oral pathologists work in academic institutions. This means we must do a combination of teaching, service, and research. After a decade in academia, I have chosen a transition to private practice, which is a bit rare for our profession. I spend my mornings driving around the city picking up biopsy specimens, then sign-in for cases that I receive from across the country. I also serve on a tumor board with my colleagues specializing in otolaryngology, radiology, speech therapy, prosthodontics, etc. Finally, I will provide about 70 continuing education courses/lectures this year (ranging from one to 16 hours long), which is more than normal. However, teaching is my favorite thing to do, so I tend to keep my schedule packed. Q: When should someone refer to an oral pathologist? A: If you are lucky enough to have an oral pathologist (or an oral medicine specialist) in your area, the [...]