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So far OCF News Team - B has created 35 blog entries.

FDA Grants Fast Track Designation to PDS0101 Plus Pembrolizumab in Advanced Head and Neck Cancer

Author: Ariana Pelosci Source: www.cancernetwork.com Fast track designation was granted to PDS0101 plus pembrolizumab, which is currently being assessed in the phase 2 VERSATILE study in patients with recurrent or metastatic human papillomavirus 16–positive head and neck cancer. PDS0101 plus pembrolizumab (Keytruda) has been granted fast track designation by the FDA for patients with recurrent or metastatic human papillomavirus (HPV) 16–positive head and neck cancer, according to a press release from PDS Biotechnology.1 The combination is currently being investigated in the phase 2 VERSATILE-002 study (NCT04260126) in the aforementioned patient population. PDS0101 is a subcutaneous T cell HPV-specific immunotherapeutic that can encourage high levels of CD8-positive and CD-4 positive T cells. This is achieved by activating numerous immune pathways. These T cells have been observed to target different tumors that have occurred as a result of HPV16 infection. “We are thrilled that the FDA has granted fast track designation for PDS0101 in combination with [pembrolizumab],” Frank Bedu-Addo, PhD, chief executive officer of PDS Biotech, said in the press release. “The HPV-associated head and neck cancer prevalence continues to rise, leaving this affected group with limited treatment options to date. Receiving this designation underscores the potential of the Versamune® platform and the need for a new therapy that may improve outcomes for those with this devastating disease.” At the 2022 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, results from the trial were presented.2 In stage 1 of the study, 17 patients were included who were checkpoint inhibitor naïve with 4 [...]

2022-06-29T15:16:49-07:00June, 2022|Oral Cancer News|

Primary Transoral Surgery Yields Good Swallowing Outcomes Despite Increased Risk of Death in HPV-related OPSCC

Author: Hayley Virgil Source: www.cancernetwork.com Despite an increased risk of grade 5 toxicities, patients with human papillomavirus–related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma who received primary transoral surgery and neck dissection vs radiotherapy experienced good swallowing outcomes at 1 year. Good swallowing outcomes were observed at 1 year among patients with human papillomavirus (HPV)–related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma who were treated with primary transoral surgery (TOS) and neck dissection vs radiotherapy despite an increased risk of developing grade 5 toxicities, according to findings from the phase 2 ORATOR2 trial (NCT03210103). At a median follow up of 17 months, investigators reported 3 deaths in both the TOS and neck dissection arm, 2 of which were treatment related and 1 due to myocardial infarction at 8.5 months. The 2 treatment-related deaths were reported following TORS and were due to oropharyngeal hemorrhage and cervical vertebral osteomyelitis. Moreover, investigators reported 4 progression-free survival (PFS) events in this arm, 3 of which were mortality events and 1 due to local recurrence. As such, overall survival (OS) and PFS data were considered immature at the time of study. In total, 67% of patients in the radiotherapy arm and 71% in the TOS and neck dissection arm experienced grade 2 to 5 toxic effects. The study included patients who were 18 years or older with T1 to T2 disease and N0 to N2 staging. Those who enrolled were randomized 1:1 to either the primary radiotherapy group, including 60 Gys followed by concurrent weekly cisplatin chemotherapy at 40 mg/m2 in [...]

2022-06-29T15:19:48-07:00June, 2022|Oral Cancer News|

Acupuncture Improves Symptoms of Radiation-Induced Xerostomia in Head and Neck Cancer

Author: Andrea S. Blevins Primeau, PhD, MBA Source: www.cancertherapyadvisor.com Acupuncture can improve symptoms of radiation-induced xerostomia in patients with head and neck cancer, according to a phase 3 trial presented at the ASCO Annual Meeting 2022. Patients who underwent true acupuncture reported greater improvements in symptoms and quality of life than did patients who underwent sham acupuncture and those who received standard oral hygiene alone. These results suggest that acupuncture should be considered for treating radiation-induced xerostomia, said study presenter Lorenzo Cohen, PhD, of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Dr Cohen explained that current treatments for radiation-induced xerostomia have a low success rate, but small studies have suggested that acupuncture may relieve symptoms. The researchers therefore set out to evaluate acupuncture in a randomized, phase 3, controlled trial. The trial enrolled adults with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The patients had received bilateral radiation therapy and subsequently developed grade 2-3 xerostomia. All patients completed radiation therapy at least 12 months before enrollment, and parotid glands and at least 1 submandibular gland were intact. A total of 258 patients underwent randomization. They all received standard oral hygiene and were randomly assigned to undergo true acupuncture (n=86), sham acupuncture (n=86), or no additional intervention (n=86). Patients who underwent acupuncture did so twice weekly for 4 weeks. Patients who achieved a minor response continued with true or sham acupuncture for an additional 4 weeks. Baseline characteristics were well balanced across the arms. A majority of patients were men, were [...]

2022-06-23T23:41:07-07:00June, 2022|Oral Cancer News|

Throat cancer survivor: Why I’m an HPV vaccine advocate and a MyCancerConnection Volunteer

Author: George Brownfield Source: www.mdanderson.org By the time I was diagnosed with HPV-related throat cancer in the summer of 2014, I’d been working as a senior systems analyst at MD Anderson for more than 20 years. I’d seen some of the incredible things our doctors were doing for people and was very aware of our reputation. So, there was never any doubt about where I’d be going for throat cancer treatment. Once I was cancer-free, I realized I wanted to pay it forward. That’s why I started volunteering through myCancerConnection, MD Anderson’s one-on-one cancer support community for patients and caregivers. I also became a vocal advocate for vaccinating kids against HPV. My throat cancer diagnosis The ear, nose and throat specialist who initially diagnosed me was very timid about telling me why my lymph nodes were swollen. The only thing he ever really stated plainly was that I needed to get to MD Anderson. As a result, I wasn’t even sure I had throat cancer until I met with surgical oncologist Dr. Amy Hessel. She was clear and precise about my diagnosis, but also very comforting. She told me that the cancer was stage I, and she knew exactly how to treat it. I was going to be fine. I felt such a sense of relief. The cancer was mainly in my left aryepiglottic fold and piriform sinus. That's the first part of the swallowing tube, which acts sort of like a funnel in directing food to the esophagus. Dr. [...]

2022-06-14T07:23:58-07:00June, 2022|Oral Cancer News|

Cancer diagnosis and treatment: Smokers are 10 times more likely to develop tongue cancer

Author: Shalini Saksena Source: www.new9live.com People are unaware that tobacco contains more than 60 dangerous chemicals, including carcinogen promoting substances. The symptoms of tongue cancer may not be visible in early stages, especially if disease is towards base of tongue: Dr Kapil Dev. Large tumors are removed by a partial glossectomy, which involves removing a portion of the tongue. Cigarette smoking is a common sight today, not only among adults but the youngsters too. While the habit of smoking is more of social behavior for many, its harmful consequences are only realized when the body starts breaking down. Dr Kapil Dev, consultant, Surgical Oncology, HCG Cancer Hospital in Jaipur told News9 that many people are unaware that tobacco contains more than 60 dangerous chemicals, including carcinogens and cancer-promoting substances, which can infiltrate the body's numerous systems and cause mouth, lung and even tongue cancer. What is tongue cancer? It is a type of cancer that develops in the tongue's cells. Tongue cancer most commonly develops in the thin, flat squamous cells that line the surface of the tongue. It occurs, like other cancers, when cells divide uncontrollably and accumulate to form a tumor. There are two types of tongue cancers. "One is known as oral tongue cancer because it affects the section of the tongue that can be projected out. The other takes place near the base of the tongue, where it joins your throat. This type of cancer, known as oropharyngeal cancer, is frequently detected after it has progressed [...]

2022-06-14T07:11:31-07:00June, 2022|Oral Cancer News|

Single-Port Robotic Arm a Gamechanger for Throat Cancer Patients

Author: Lissete Hilton Source: www.physician-news.umiamihealth.org The da Vinci Single-Port robot is an example of how seemingly small advances in technology can drastically change cancer patients’ lives. Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of UHealth – the University of Miami Health System, is among the only South Florida health systems to offer the da Vinci Single-Port robot, which surgeons at the cancer center use to remove tumors in the throat. "Being on the cutting edge of robotic surgical advancements that can be applied across multiple specialties allows us to provide the best possible outcomes to our patients," said Dipen J. Parekh, M.D., founding director and chair of the Desai Sethi Urology Institute and director of robotic surgery. Among the patients who benefit most from the new technology are those with squamous cell carcinomas of the tonsil and base of tongue caused by past infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV), according to Donald T. Weed, M.D., co-leader of the Head and Neck Site Disease Group at Sylvester and vice chair for academic affairs in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. “Those are the most common throat cancers that we see in non-smokers,” Dr. Weed said. Benefits of the Single-Arm Robot The single-port robot is a gamechanger compared to previous robotic technology because it provides better access through the narrow opening of the throat, said Francisco J. Civantos, M.D., the Virginia M. Horner Endowed Chair in Head and Neck Oncology Research. The older and more widely [...]

2022-06-02T07:32:29-07:00June, 2022|Oral Cancer News|

Rocky Mountain Oncology Center to offer free head, neck cancer screening

Author: Klark Byrd Source: www.oilcitynews.com CASPER, Wyo. — Rocky Mountain Oncology Center is offering the public a no-cost head and neck cancer screening this summer. From 2 to 4 p.m. on June 25, the center will be open to the public in an effort to promote early detection of head and neck cancers. Screenings will take place at Rocky Mountain Oncology Center, 6501 E. 2nd St. In collaboration with local ENTs, dentists and oral surgeons, no-cost head and neck cancer screenings will be done for anyone with a lump in the neck, a sore in the mouth, a throat that does not heal and may be painful, a sore throat that does not go away, difficulty swallowing, and a change or hoarseness in the voice, a news release about the event states. No appointment is necessary.  

2022-05-25T12:18:46-07:00May, 2022|Oral Cancer News|

Yale doc: Throat, neck cancers caused by HPV ‘completely preventable’ with vaccine

Author: Ed Stannard Source: www.ctinsider.com NEW HAVEN — While it’s become widely known that the human papilloma virus causes cervical cancer, doctors have more recently discovered HPV is associated with another form of cancer. While cancer of the throat, back of the tongue, tonsils and soft palate (the location of the uvula), known as oropharyngeal cancer, can be caused by smoking or heavy drinking, HPV also has been linked to it, according to Dr. Saral Mehra, section chief for head and neck and otolaryngology surgery at the Yale School of Medicine. “This didn’t exist as far as we knew 20 or 30 years ago,” Mehra said, but it became clear that younger people who didn’t smoke or drink could get this type of cancer. That is why, Mehra said, it is important for all young people to receive the HPV vaccination. “If there’s one message I think we need to get out is we need to vaccinate all of our boys and girls,” he said. “I feel like head and neck cancer is such an important cancer and it’s not one of the big ones” that people think about, Mehra said. But surgery or radiation for these cancers “impacts so much of a person’s life: speaking, eating, drinking, cosmetic appearance,” Mehra said. “Head and neck cancer is typically thought of as a disease of people who smoke a lot and drink a lot,” Mehra said. “Not that everybody who has it has bad habits, but that is generally how it [...]

2022-05-23T11:16:01-07:00May, 2022|Oral Cancer News|

Treatment for HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer varies by facility type

Author: Mark Leiser Source: www.healio.com DALLAS — Treatment modality for HPV-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma varied considerably by facility type, according to study results. The findings — presented at American Head & Neck Society Annual Meeting — showed academic hospitals more frequently utilized surgery instead of radiation therapy or chemoradiation therapy alone as the primary treatment modality for early- and late-stage cancers. The findings suggest a lack of standardized treatment regimens that prevent patients from receiving universal care independent of facility resources, Monica S. Trent, MD, first-year resident at University of California, Irvine, and colleagues concluded. “There are many different ways to treat HPV-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma and, in order to try to determine the best treatment option, it is important to know who is offering what types of treatment at different centers,” Trent told Healio. “Our results show patients are being treated differently depending on where they present, and treatment is not standardized across different types of facilities.” Background and methods HPV-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma is distinct from HPV-negative disease. It more frequently affects younger, healthier patients, and it is associated with improved prognosis and better historical survival outcomes after standard radiation and chemoradiation treatment protocols. The development of transoral robotic surgery offers an alternative upfront treatment option that could reduce short- and long-term morbidity without compromising oncologic outcomes, according to study background. However, due to the required resources and training needed for this modality, it has been offered primarily at academic medical centers. Trent and colleagues retrospectively [...]

2022-05-05T09:26:39-07:00May, 2022|Oral Cancer News|

Oral Cancer – Not just for smokers

Author: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc Source: www.emporiaindependentmessenger.com Doctors diagnose about 50,000 new cases of oral cancer every year, and about 10,000 people with oral cancer die every year. Men are twice as likely to get oral cancer than women. April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. We want to draw awareness to this terrible disease in hopes you will take action to prevent or catch it early with routine screenings and self-checks. While smoking and alcohol consumption increase your risk of oral cancer 15 times, having human papilloma virus (HPV) increases your risk by 30 times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that nearly all sexually active adults will be infected with HPV at some point in their lives. Although cervical cancer is more closely associated with HPV, oral cancer can be caused by some types of HPV. Then again, 25% of oral cancer patients have no attributable risk factors. Prevention is key Like most cancers, reducing alcohol consumption and quitting smoking greatly reduces your chances for getting oral cancer. Applying SPF lip balm can help protect you from lip cancer. Using condoms during sexual activity may reduce your risk of contracting HPV. Dr. Sandra Balmoria with CMH Family Care Center recently gave a talk on teen health and expressed the importance of the HPV vaccine. “The only vaccine we have for cancer is the HPV vaccine — Gardasil,” Balmoria said. “This vaccine is available in a two or three-part series for ages 11-45.” The vaccine is available for [...]

2022-04-26T12:52:21-07:00April, 2022|Oral Cancer News|
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