Mortality rate among liver cancer patients on decline, says DOH

12/30/2003 Taiwan Central News Agency Mortality rates among sufferers of liver cancer, one of the leading causes of death for Taiwan people, seem to be on the decline, the nation's top health official said yesterday. Chen Chien-jen minister of the Department of Health (DOH), made the remarks after the DOH unveiled earlier that day its annual cancer registry report for 2000, the most recent statistics available. Chen said that in 2000, the liver cancer rate was 36.06 people in every 100,000, an increase rate of 20 percent between 1996 and 2000. As hepatitis is an important factor in the development of liver cancer, Chen said that the DOH would step up medication for chronic hepatitis B and C patients next year, in an attempt to effectively curb the spread of liver cancer. Chen also noted that although both the number of lung cancer patients and mortality rates in the United States have dropped because of pressure from anti-tobacco groups, cigarette production in the United States has not decreased accordingly. Instead, U.S. tobacco companies have simply increased their cigarette exports, Chen said, which is having an adverse effect on lung cancer control efforts in other countries. In Taiwan, excessive drinking, betel-nut chewing and smoking are all associated with oral cancer and cancer of the esophagus, and Chen said that the most effective way to prevent such cancers is to avoid alcohol, betel nuts and cigarettes. In addition, he went on, the ratio of Taiwan women suffering from lung cancer is high, [...]

2009-03-22T21:59:49-07:00December, 2003|Archive|

Routine Dentist Exams Help to Spot Cancer

12/30/2003 Dayton, Ohio KFMB.COM, channel 8, Ohio When was the last time you saw your dentist? If you’re like millions of Americans, it's been a while. In fact, about 40 percent of Americans admit that they will not visit a dentist at all this year. But by going to the dentist, you’re not only taking good care of your teeth, you may actually be taking an important step in avoiding cancer. The everyday task of brushing her teeth has become a daily reminder of what Betty Sawyers has gone through. On three different occasions her dentist found pre-cancerous sores in her mouth during routine exams. "I really think that regular check ups are very, very important and fortunately, I've lived that. I'm not just saying it,” said Betty. Had her dentist not found the problem, Betty may have developed oral cancer. And like many patients, she may never have known anything was wrong until it was too late. “That’s a somewhat frightening thing about oral cancer is very frequently the early phases are not painful at all,” said Dr. Susan Mallery. Dr. Mallery of Ohio State's James Cancer Hospital says that's where the dentist comes in. Her advice is to go to your dentist often and specifically ask them to check for signs of oral cancer. Be on the lookout for velvety white or red patches, and for sores that bleed easily or don't heal. While it's true that oral cancer strikes mostly older people, it can strike anyone. "We [...]

2009-03-22T21:59:04-07:00December, 2003|Archive|

New 10-minute dynamic PET scan generates useful results for oncology

12/30/2003 Dr. Ludwig G. Strauss, Dr. Antonia Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, and Dr. Uwe Haberkorn Journal of Nuclear Medicine Studies have shown that quantifying 18F-FDG kinetics with dynamic PET data can characterize many lesions more accurately than a single static measurement of uptake. The routine clinical use of dynamic PET, however, has been precluded by the long scanning time required. Now researchers in Germany say they have identified a modified, short acquisition protocol that generates more information than standard uptake values (SUVs) and accurately estimates 18F-FDG kinetics. The new protocol may be useful in evaluating a variety of cancer patients,according to Dr. Ludwig G. Strauss, Dr. Antonia Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, and Dr. Uwe Haberkorn from the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg. Among their suggested applications for short-protocol dynamic PET: detection or grading of soft-tissue sarcomas, differentiation of benign and malignant bone lesions, and assessment of therapy response in patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma. The authors have spent years identifying the enhanced information offered by dynamic PET. With this latest study, they wrote, "A main aim was to reduce the number of frames for the data acquisition in order to achieve a protocol suitable for routine application. Our results showed that a short, 10-minute acquisition followed by a late static image 56ˆ60 minutes after tracer injection provided accurate data for estimating 18F-FDG influx and the parameters k1 (rate constant) and VB (vascular fraction)." The researchers based their conclusions on 151 dynamic datasets obtained from 60 patients referred for 18F-FDG PET for primary tumor diagnostics or [...]

2009-03-22T21:58:25-07:00December, 2003|Archive|

Crusader with a cause

12/29/2003 Newport Beach Orange Coast Magazine The Oral Cancer Foundation and its founder Brian Hill appeared in the magazines first issue of 2004, one whose articles are dedicated to health issues. The article detailed Hill’s battle with oral cancer and his formation of the foundation to help bring awareness to the disease. When asked about the article, Mr. Hill commented “that every opportunity to tell the oral cancer story is a valuable one, since such a large portion of the American population hears little of it, the risk factors for it, or the warning signs that they might actually have it. I am grateful to the publishers for considering OCF worthy of inclusion in its prestigious magazine. With it’s large circulation, the potential to raise awareness within the ranks of its readership is high.” This year alone oral cancer in the US will be newly diagnosed in over 30,000 individuals, and one person every hour of every day of the year will die from it. The foundation states that through early detection and public awareness, this extraordinarily high death rate can be drastically reduced.

2009-03-22T21:57:43-07:00December, 2003|Archive|

Bid to cut Scots throat cancer deaths

12/28/2003 Scotland Newsquest Experts are to test the life-saving potential of a combination of aspirin with a stomach ulcer drug. Test centres are being set up in Glasgow's Western and Royal Infirmaries, Wishaw General Hospital and hospitals in Aberdeen and Dunfermline as part of a UK-wide drive to conquer one of the most aggressive forms of cancer. Around 5000 men who suffer from Barrett's oesophagus - the condition linked to oesophageal cancer - will take part. The precancerous condition can be caused by acid formation in the stomach. Previous studies have indicated aspirin reduces the number of cases of oesophageal cancer, but one of the drug's side-effects is an increased risk of stomach ulcers. Researchers will observe the effects of using aspirin and a drug that prevents acid formation called esomeprazole to treat Barrett's oesophagus. The number of Britons who have suffered oesophageal cancer has increased 12% over the last decade. Professor Janusz, based at the Digestive Diseases Centre at the University of Leicester, said: "Only a small proportion of those with Barrett's oesophagus will develop the cancer. "However, in the UK the number of those developing this cancer because of Barrett's oesophagus is very high compared to the rest of the western world - three to four times the level seen in Europe or the US. "By successfully treating Barrett's oesophagus, we could prevent up to half of cases of oesophageal cancer in this trial." The UK is at the centre of an explosion. We hope these drugs will [...]

2009-03-22T21:56:35-07:00December, 2003|Archive|

Therapy improves disorder

12/28/2003 Florida Susan J. Park Sun-Sentinel Aida Paley, an 89-year-old Deerfield Beach resident, thought she would never be able to eat again. She suffered from a swallowing disorder that was a result of the radiation therapy she had received 54 years ago for throat cancer and affected her eating since age 84. Her condition only deteriorated after she suffered a small stroke in May, and her doctors didn't think there was any hope. She went through six weeks of throat therapy with no results, said her daughter, Beverly Hanson, a Sunrise resident. But then, Paley was introduced to Theresa Biber, a certified American Speech-Language-Hearing Association speech pathologist. Biber, who works in Weston, had been experimenting with neuromuscular electrical stimulation, a method borrowed from physical therapy for limbs, to help patients recover from their swallowing disorders. Biber incorporated the therapy with normal swallowing rehabilitation, which consists of throat exercises and head placement. After a couple of months of therapy sessions, Paley was able to eat soft foods again, and in November was able to enjoy her first chewable Thanksgiving dinner in almost four years. "Beverly and I had turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce," Paley said with a big smile. "It was just unbelievable." Dysphagia is a swallowing disorder, usually resulting from a stroke, head injury, progressive neuromuscular disorder or cancer. According to Oxford Research, almost one-third of patients in acute care and one-third of patients who have suffered from a stroke struggle with this illness as well. Despite dysphagia being so [...]

2009-03-22T21:55:28-07:00December, 2003|Archive|

Popular Snuff Brands Have Lots of Nicotine: Study

12/23/2003 New York Nicotine & Tobacco Research The most popular brands of smokeless tobacco have the highest levels of the most easily absorbed form of nicotine, according to a new study. The three brands of moist snuff that have the largest market share also contain the highest levels of so-called unprotonated, or "free-base," nicotine, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, report. This form of nicotine is rapidly absorbed through the mouth. The speed of nicotine absorption has a major impact on the odds of becoming addicted, according to the study's authors, Drs. Patricia Richter and Francis W. Spierto. "Consumers need to know that smokeless tobacco products, including loose-leaf and moist snuff, are not safe alternatives to smoking," the authors state in the December issue of the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research. The researchers point out that in 2000 the U.S. surgeon general concluded that tobacco products should be not be any more harmful than necessary. "Regarding the health of consumers, and in light of the surgeon general's response, smokeless tobacco manufacturers should take steps to reduce the addictiveness of their products," Richter and Spierto conclude. Under a 1986 law, tobacco manufacturers must report to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services the amount of nicotine in their smokeless tobacco products. Because such information is considered a trade secret, however, it is not released to the public. But through a little bit of detective work, Richter and Spierto were able to determine how much nicotine [...]

2009-03-22T21:54:51-07:00December, 2003|Archive|

No Charitable Thoughts for Celebrities Cashing In

12/15/2003 Vickie Odding Los Angeles Times My baby was only 20 months old when she was wheeled from Urgent Care into a hospital room, the IV trailing her as we maneuvered through the hallways. She had just been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I experienced what all parents experience when faced with such devastating news. I was shell-shocked, angry, confused, depressed and scared. About eight months after her diagnosis, I read about a walk to raise money for diabetes research. I threw on the sweats, strapped Emily into the jogger and walked with thousands of others around Lake Balboa. I did not really know why I was there, but it felt like the right thing to do. And a seed was planted. It is now five years later, and I have raised more than $30,000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, I have given it my blood, sweat, and tears. And I do not say that lightly. I am a divorced mom with sole physical custody of a 4-year-old boy in addition to my 7-year-old daughter. I work full time as one of those underpaid English teachers. But I am not complaining. My only point is that every dollar counts. I devote much of the year to planning neighborhood fundraisers; I spend money on copying, postage, party paraphernalia and food; and I spend hours worrying and poring over details. I am unable to actually conduct scientific experiments to find a cure myself, so the least I can do is fund [...]

2009-03-22T21:54:12-07:00December, 2003|Archive|

Survivin expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma

12/14/2003 Naples British Journal of Cancer Authors: L Lo Muzio1, G Pannone2, S Staibano2, M D Mignogna3, C Rubini4, M A Mariggiò5, M Procaccini1, F Ferrari1, G De Rosa2 and D C Altieri6 A series of 110 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) together with six lymph node and one distant metastatic lesions were analyzed for expression of survivin, a recent apoptosis inhibitor, by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. In total, 91 cases (82.7%) of carcinoma and all metastasis (seven cases, 100%) were positive for survivin expression, with weighted survivin scores ranging from 1 to 4. In contrast, normal oral epithelium did not express survivin. There was no significant correlation between survivin expression and age, sex, tumor size, the presence of lymph node and distant metastases. Survivin expression was increased in poorly differentiated tumors, even if differences were not statistically significant. In contrast, when analyzed for prognostic significance, patients with low survivin expression had statistically significant better survival rates than the group with high survivin expression (P<0.05). These data suggest that survivin expression may identify cases of oral SCC with more aggressive and invasive phenotype. 1 Institute of Dental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ancona, Ancona, Italy 2 Department of Biomorphological and Functional Sciences, Pathology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy 3 Department of Dental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy 4 Institute of Pathology, University of Ancona, Ancona, Italy 5 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology ? [...]

2009-03-22T21:53:23-07:00December, 2003|Archive|

Nonprofits Can’t Take the Place of Government

12/13/2003 Los Angeles Torie Osborn Los Angeles Times Every year at this time, news stories appear about needy nonprofits doing God’s work and modern-day good Samaritans-great men and women with names like Kroc, Gates and Annenberg-giving millions to worthy causes. We celebrate our generosity. We affirm that we are good people doing good things. But if you look beyond the rim of your rose-colored glasses, you’ll see a bigger picture this year, one that is neither joyous nor heartwarming. Nonprofits are desperate. Need is up. Giving is down. Nationwide, charitable giving decreased last year, the first drop in 12 years. This year’s numbers aren’t expected to be any better. But the disaster-in-the-making we face is bigger than this. Its magnitude came into focus after I read a story this year about the mayor of Somerville, Mass., going to that city’s nonprofits, pleading with churches, charities and nursing homes to make donations to the city to pay for the police and fire departments. A week later, I read another story about city officials in Pittsburgh doing the same thing. In Los Angeles, we’ve only just put our toe in the water. The city recently began charging nonprofits a $750 fee for park use (tables, clean-up, and utility hook-up not included). This time next year, nonprofits may be asked to adopt a cop. But all the nonprofits in Christendom can’t make up what government increasingly leaves unfunded. Our crisis in public services is not simply a result of the economic downturn. The [...]

2009-03-22T21:52:45-07:00December, 2003|Archive|
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