Accelerated radiotherapy improves head and neck cancer outcomes

9/19/2003 New York Reuters Health An accelerated course of radiotherapy that involves six fractions per week instead of five improves survival and offers other benefits for patients with head and neck cancer, new research indicates. The findings, which are published in the September 20th issue of The Lancet, are based on a randomized trial of 1476 patients with squamous-cell cancer of the head and neck. Regardless of whether patients were randomized to six or five fractions per week, most received a total of 66 to 68 Gy in 33 to 34 fractions, lead author Dr. Jens Overgaard, from Aarhus University in Denmark, and colleagues note. The exception was patients with well differentiated T1 glottic tumors, who received a total dose of 62 Gy. Median treatment times for the six- and five-fraction regimens were 39 and 46 days, respectively, the authors note. Disease-specific survival at 5 years in the six-fraction group was 73%, while the rate in the five-fraction group was significantly lower--66% (p = 0.01). Overall survival was comparable for both groups, a finding that may reflect the general poor health that typifies head and neck cancer patients. The locoregional control rate with the six-fraction regimen was 70%, significantly higher than the 60% rate seen with the five-fraction regimen (p = 0.0005). Similarly, the corresponding primary tumor control rates were 76% and 64% (p = 0.0001). In contrast, neck-node control did not differ significantly between the groups. Another benefit of the six-fraction regimen was improved voice preservation among patients with [...]

2009-03-22T20:34:31-07:00September, 2003|Archive|

Photodynamic therapy with new sensitizer effective in small head-and-neck cancers

8/25/2003 New York Reuters Health / Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003;129:709-711. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) utilizing meta-tetra(hydroxyphenyl)chlorin (mTHPC) is a feasible alternative to surgery or radiotherapy in patients with early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and oropharynx, a study suggests. Second-generation photosensitizers such as mTHPC (Foscan; Scotia Pharmaceuticals, Stirling, Scotland) are "more effective and less phototoxic to the skin than their forerunners," Dr. Marcel P. Copper, and colleagues from the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam note in the July issue of Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. They prospectively evaluated the long-term outcome of PDT using mTHPC in 25 patients with 29 T1-T2 NO tumors of the oral cavity and/or oropharynx. Follow-up lasted a mean of 37 months. In all patients, necrosis of the illuminated area occurred within 24 hours but subsided within 4 to 6 weeks after treatment. Complete remission of the primary tumor was achieved in 25 (89%) of 29 tumors. The complete remission rate was 95% for T1 tumors and 57% in T2 tumors. Surgery and/or radiotherapy effectively salvaged all four patients that developed recurrent local disease. Five patients who developed lymph node metastasis were treated by radical (modified) neck dissection and four underwent postoperative radiotherapy. None of the patients in the study experienced any long-term functional or cosmetic deficits. In comments to Reuters Health, Dr. Copper said: "The most important findings of this study are that mTHPC PDT gives excellent cure rates in small cancers of the mouth and pharynx, without the [...]

2009-03-22T20:33:39-07:00August, 2003|Archive|

Patients who received three-drug combination show improved results

8/13/2003 Chicago Journal of Hem / Onc Adding paclitaxel to a cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) regimen led to significantly longer survival in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer, according to a phase-3 study presented here at the 39th Annual Meeting of ASCO. “This new chemotherapy combination may soon become the standard treatment option for some patients with head and neck cancer,” said lead researcher Ricardo Hitt, MD, from the Hospital ‘12 de Octubre’ in Madrid. The expanded combination also halted tumor progression more effectively than the standard regimen, and patients who received the three-drug combination were more likely to retain the ability to speak and swallow, as well as exhibit less mucocitis. The study involved 384 patients who had various types of head and neck cancer, particularly tumors of the oropharynx, larynx and oral cavity. All patients were treatment naive. In the standard arm, patients received 100 mg/m2 of cisplatin daily, and 1 gm/m2 of 5-FU on days 1 through 5 of a 21-day cycle. In the expanded regimen, patients received 100 mg/m2 of cisplatin daily, 500 mg/m2 of 5-FU on days 1 through 5, and 175 mg/m2 of paclitaxel on the first day of a 21-day cycle. The trial “appeared to demonstrate a superior outcome and far better tolerability by adding paclitaxel to 5-FU and cisplatin for head and neck cancer in a dose schedule associated with less toxicity,” said Robert Mayer, MD, the director of the Center for Gastrointestinal Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.

2009-03-22T20:32:53-07:00August, 2003|Archive|

Pathologic lymph node staging can predict tongue cancer outcomes

8/11/2003 New York Reuters Health In patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue (SCCOT), pathologic lymph node staging based on neck dissection is more reliable in predicting treatment outcomes than clinical lymph node staging based on physical examination and/or radiographic studies. That's according to Dr. Jeffrey N. Myers from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and others who retrospectively reviewed all 266 patients who underwent surgical resection for SCCOT including a neck dissection. In analyses comparing clinical outcomes with respect to clinical and pathologic lymph node stages, statistically significant differences in survival emerged for both clinical (cN0-N2) and pathologic (pN0-N2) stages. However, the differences in survival and disease-free interval reached a higher level of statistical significance for pathologic lymph node staging (p < 0.0001) than for clinical lymph node staging (p < 0.002). "This disparity can be explained by stage migration," according to the team. That is, patients with cN0-1 disease had a more advanced lymph node stage at the time of pathologic review, they explain in the August 1 issue of the journal Cancer. Neck dissection identified occult lymph node disease in 34 percent of the cN0 group, with extracapsular spread in 19 percent. Moreover, 43 percent of cN1 patients had greater than pN2b disease and 50 percent had extracapsular spread on pathologic review. "For patients with tongue cancer, we can more accurately determine their prognosis by performing a neck dissection and analyzing the pathology specimen than we can by assessing the lymph node status purely on [...]

2009-03-22T20:26:26-07:00August, 2003|Archive|

Dental Abstracts magazine features editorial by OCF founder Brian Hill

8/10/2003 Brian Hill Dental Abstracts Magazine,. Mosbey Publishing This month's issue of Dental Abstracts, from Mosbey Publishing, features an editorial regarding the need for additional efforts on the part of the US dental community in the early detection of oral cancers written by OCF founder Brian Hill. The Spanish language version of the magazine also carries the editorial outside the US. “ I was surprised but pleased that a US dental magazine would invite me to write a piece on the foundation's perspectives related to the late diagnosis of oral cancer here in the US,” says Hill. “I believe this is largely a result of Dr. Larry Meskin becoming the editor of this journal. Dr. Meskin has a long history as an advocate for oral cancer screening within the dentist community. Hill has long believed that more could be done by American dentists to discover these lesions in their earliest, highly curable stages. The content of the editorial follows. Dental Lifesavers? An oxymoron? Perhaps not. We know that dentists and hygienists are not thought of by the public, and do not think of themselves, as people who engage in the saving of lives. After all, they are not ER doctors. But when either of these dental professionals finds an oral cancer in the course of their examinations, especially if at an early stage one or two, they have undoubtedly saved a life. The Oral Cancer Foundation has begun a Dental Lifesavers Program, designed to raise the visibility, awareness, and recognition [...]

2008-07-09T21:18:22-07:00August, 2003|OCF In The News|

ADA, coalition ask FTC to prohibit smokeless tobacco health claims

8/7/2003 Washington Stacie Crozier ADA The ADA joined some 40 national health and other organizations in signing a Feb. 25 letter urging the Federal Trade Commission to reject a smokeless tobacco manufacturer’s request to make positive health claims in its product advertising. The coalition letter, coordinated by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, says that the smokeless tobacco company’s request is, in essence, asking that the Federal Trade Commission “review, revise and overturn the scientific conclusions of the U.S. Surgeon General, the National Cancer Institute and every other major scientific and public health agency that has examined the health effects of smokeless tobacco.” On Feb. 5, The U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Co. petitioned the FTC for an advisory opinion that would allow it to claim through advertising that its products offer less of a health risk than smoking cigarettes. A company statement says “there is considerable agreement among researchers that use of smokeless tobacco involves significantly less risk of adverse health effects than cigarette smoking, and there is growing support in the public health community that cigarette smokers who have not quit should be encouraged to switch to smokeless tobacco. Such a harm reduction strategy is being debated in the public health community as representing a pragmatic component of a comprehensive public health policy on cigarette smoking.” “I suppose you could argue that shooting yourself in the leg poses less of a health risk than shooting yourself in the head,” says ADA President D. Gregory Chadwick in a statement available online. “But [...]

2009-03-22T20:24:55-07:00August, 2003|Archive|

Roger Ebert to Have Radiation for Cancer

8/6/2003 Chicago Associated Press Pulitzer Prize winning film critic Roger Ebert will undergo radiation treatment for cancer next month. The treatment will be for a cancerous tumor in Ebert's salivary gland, the Chicago Sun-Times reported in its Wednesday editions. The 61-year-old critic underwent surgery twice in February 2002 for cancer in his thyroid and salivary gland. He said treatment for the malignant tumor will begin later this month after he returns from a family trip to France. "I will, however, continue to see movies, write reviews and do the 'Ebert & Roeper' television show," Ebert wrote in an e-mail message to friends on Tuesday. The treatments are a follow up to earlier surgery, and I look forward to a complete recovery; this is not considered to be a life-threatening form of cancer. "P.S. By the way, my thyroid cancer has been completely vanquished." Ebert said he has had a tumor in his salivary gland "in one form or another" for 16 years. He said the treatments will take 20 minutes a day, five days a week for eight weeks. Ebert has been a film critic at the Chicago Sun-Times since 1967. He won the Pulitzer Prize for criticism in 1975, the same year he teamed up with the late Gene Siskel of the rival Chicago Tribune to launch their movie-review show.

2009-03-22T20:24:13-07:00August, 2003|Archive|

World’s first tongue transplant for cancer victim

7/23/2003 Vienna, Switzerland Tara Womersly Doctors have carried out what is believed to be the first tongue transplant on a human being. The operation was carried out in Vienna on a 42-year old man with a malignant tumor. Surgeons spent 14 hours on the operation - one team worked for four hours removing the tongue from the donor while a second team reconnected the tongue’s muscle tissue, nerve endings, arteries and veins into the recipient’s mouth. The team was led by Dr Rolf Ewers, of the cranio-maxillofacial surgery department at the General Hospital in Vienna. He said: "Because of the carcinoma, we needed to remove the tongue. "We had been planning to do this transplant for some time but we needed both a patient and a donor. The patient was young, 42 years of age, and removing a tongue at that age is very cruel. But the cancer was at a very late stage, he was a heavy smoker. "You only deal with about two or three cases a year where the whole tongue needs to be removed." Dr. Ewers said that surgeons would normally remove the tongue and replace it with tissue from the small bowel, or duodenum. He said: "This meant that there was no muscle, just soft tissue coverage. But with the transplant, we hope that the tongue will be able to move and the patient will be able to speak and taste. If the operation is a success we will be planning it again. "While we [...]

2009-03-22T20:23:07-07:00July, 2003|Archive|

JAY AMBROSE: Smoking out the truth

7/22/2003 Scripps Howard News Service This is an editorial opinion, not a news article The best is enemy of the good, the ancient Greeks told us, and the meaning of the saying is hardly a puzzle: By insisting on something ideal but extraordinarily difficult to achieve, you may exclude a significant improvement that's much more likely of accomplishment, if also short of ideal. And that thought brings us to the U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Co., which is asking the Federal Trade Commission if it would be OK to put out an ad recommending a change from cigarettes to something called Revel, described by the Associated Press as "a tobacco-filled packet, like a tea bag, which consumers suck on." The pitch of this ad would be that Revel includes no objectionable secondhand smoke. A year ago, the company had a bigger idea, since abandoned. It wanted to promote snuff and chewing tobacco as less a health risk than smoking cigarettes. Anti-smoking groups aren't having any of either proposal. Smokeless tobacco can kill, too, they say, and smokers need to quit, not switch. There's no question that smokeless tobacco can be addictive. It's a vile, dirty habit. It's a contributing factor to oral cancer and other diseases. Its use, as the anti-smoking groups are quoted as saying, can be fatal. Nevertheless, it is not as dangerous as smoking, and a scientist whose research is financed by the tobacco company is right: Some people who cannot force themselves to break loose of tobacco's hold [...]

2009-03-22T20:22:20-07:00July, 2003|Archive|

Esophageal cancer treatment keeps pace with technology

7/21/2003 Baltimore MD Shalmali Pal The International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, and Physics The standard of care for the treatment of esophageal cancer advanced significantly at the close of the 20th century, including the increased use of esophageal ultrasound and a combination of chemoradiation and surgery. "These changes reflect a continual progression of technology into routine clinical practice, as well as a wider acceptance of the results of large randomized trials supporting the role of combined-modality therapy in the management of this disease process," wrote lead author Dr. Mohan Suntharalingam from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, and Physics (July 2003, Vol. 56:4, pp. 981-987). The paper compared the latest trends in treatment and care to earlier data from the nationwide Patterns of Care Study (PCS). The latter was started in 1971 in an effort to improve the quality and accessibility of radiation oncology in the U.S. The present retrospective study was designed to evaluate patients who received radiotherapy for esophageal cancer from 1996 to 1999 and compare these numbers to PCS data obtained between 1992 and 1994. Suntharalingam’s co-authors are from the American College of Radiology and the University of Pennsylvania, both in Philadelphia; the Community Medical Center in Toms River, NJ; Boston University School of Medicine and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston; the Cancer Center at St. Agnes in Fresno, CA; and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. For this study, site visits took [...]

2009-03-22T20:21:44-07:00July, 2003|Archive|
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