Shock anti-smoking TV ads rescheduled after complaints

3/29/2007 Singapore Tan Hui Leng Singapore News ( It was intended to shock, and it succeeded — so well, in fact, that a flood of complaints from parents has caused the Health Promotion Board (HPB) to reschedule the screening time of its anti-smoking advertising campaign on television. It will now only be aired from 8pm, when youngsters are less likely to be watching TV. The 30-second commercial, which first aired on all the four main language channels last week, is a graphic depiction of a woman afflicted with oral cancer. The camera zooms in on a tight shot of her face with a diseased tongue, decaying teeth and chapped lips riddled with sores. Said HPB’s chief executive, Mr Lam Pin Woon: "HPB has reviewed and revised our advertising timing and channels to minimise causing any alarm to young children." Housewife Leong Sow Chan was one of the peeved parents. Her nine-year-old daughter was so traumatised by the commercial the first time she saw it that she had a nightmare that night. "She started screaming at about 3am and woke my husband up. He had to attend to her," said Madam Leong. While she still does not think the commercial is in appropriate taste, she admitted that it "definitely turns me and my non-smoking family off. We are so disgusted we either switch channels when the ad comes on, or look away". Indeed, the preliminary results seem to prove the power of the shock tactics. According to the HPB, since last [...]

2009-04-15T11:24:22-07:00March, 2007|Archive|

Correction — Gentle Dental Evaluates New Technologies to Aid in Early Detection of Oral Cancer

3/29/2007 Vancouver, WA press release PrimeNewswire ( A draft version of this press release was released by mistake on March 12, 2007. Gentle Dental apologizes for this error and the misinformation included in that draft. What follows is the corrected version of the press release. Gentle Dental, a leading provider of comprehensive, convenient and high quality dentistry, announced that it is evaluating several technologies to aid in the early detection of oral cancer. Gentle Dental and its affiliated dentists in eight states recognize the importance of early oral cancer detection and have included visual and tactile screening for oral cancer during all exams for years. Recently new technologies have come to market that augment doctors abilities to see oral abnormalities at extremely early stages, increasing the effectiveness of their screening process. Gentle Dental is now evaluating two of these, the VELscope and ViziLite, in its offices. Statistics from the Oral Cancer Foundation ( indicate that the incidence of oral cancer is on the rise. In 2006 the number of people in the U.S. diagnosed with oral cancer rose for the first time in 50 years, and the Foundation predicts that this number will rise again this year by 11%, with approximately 34,000 people in the U.S. being diagnosed with oral cancers. Oral cancer will cause over 8,000 deaths, killing about one person every hour of each day. According to the foundation, of those 34,000 newly diagnosed individuals only half will be alive in five years -- a number which has [...]

2009-04-15T11:23:55-07:00March, 2007|Archive|

Stem Cell Marker Identified in Head, Neck Cancer

3/27/2007 web-based article staff Journal of the American Dental Assoc, Vol 138, No 3, 296 Researchers have identified a marker on head and neck tumor cells that indicates which cells are capable of promoting the cancer’s growth. The finding, which appeared in the Jan. 16 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the first evidence of cancer stem cells in head and neck tumors. Researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, and Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, Calif., took tumor samples from patients undergoing surgery for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, including cancers of the tongue, larynx, throat and sinus. They separated cells from the samples according to whether they expressed a marker on their surface called CD44. They then implanted the sorted cells into immune-deficient mice to grow tumors. The cells that expressed CD44 were able to grow new tumors, while the cells that did not express CD44 were not. Researchers found that the tumors that grew were identical to the original tumors and contained cells that expressed CD44, as well as cells that did not. This ability to both self-renew and produce different types of cells is a hallmark of stem cells. The percentage of cells within a tumor expressing CD44 varied from one sample to the next, with one sample having as high as 40 percent of these cells. Studies in other cancer types have found the stem cell population to be less than 5 percent. "The [...]

2009-04-15T11:23:20-07:00March, 2007|Archive|

Gum disease linked to diabetes, stroke, more

3/25/2007 web-based article staff Palangkaraya Post ( This month, a team of researchers from London and the University of Connecticut announced that aggressive treatment of gum disease can improve the function of blood vessel walls in the body — potentially reducing the risk of heart attacks. A few weeks before that, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health reported a study of more than 51,000 male health professionals, which showed that men who had gum disease, or periodontitis, were far more likely than those without it to develop pancreatic cancer. Other studies have shown links between gum disease and diabetes, heart disease, stroke and even — though this is more controversial — pregnancy problems such as low-birth-weight infants. The evidence is accumulating faster than you can say “don’t forget to floss” that taking good care of your teeth — and treating gum disease aggressively — may be one of the best things you can do not just for your mouth, but for your overall health. With pancreatic cancer, for instance, previous studies had suggested such a link, but those studies were muddied because many participants smoked — and smoking is a risk factor for both diseases. This time, even among people who had never smoked, gum disease was linked to a doubling of the cancer risk, said epidemiologist Dominique Michaud, the first author, of the Harvard School of Public Health. It’s still not clear, cautioned Michaud, whether that means the gum disease led to the cancer. Chronic inflammation anywhere [...]

2009-04-15T11:22:50-07:00March, 2007|Archive|

New approaches to the diagnosis of oral cancer

3/25/2007 Bend, OR Bend Weekly News Sources Bend Weekly ( Oral cancer is diagnosed in more than 30,000 individuals in the US annually, claiming 10,000 lives each year. Early detection remains the best way to ensure patient survival and quality of life. Today, during the 85th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, scientists from the University of California- Irvine present two novel, non-invasive, ultra-fast imaging approaches to oral cancer detection, diagnostic screening, and mapping. More than 2/3 of all oral cancer cases documented by the National Cancer Institute are diagnosed at an advanced stage. The five-year survival rate is 75% for those with localized disease at diagnosis, but only 16% for those with cancer metastasis. Earlier detection of oral lesions would greatly improve the prognosis of these patients. Accurate delineation of lesion margins would ensure effective removal of all the tissue that presents a threat to the patient's long-term health. Two basic facts indicate that early detection of oral malignancy should be possible to a far greater extent than is currently seen: (1) Accounting for 96% of all oral cancers, squamous cell carcinoma is often preceded by lesions on the oral mucosa. Malignant transformation, which is quite unpredictable, occurs in 1-90% of lesions over five years. Thus, oral cancer is often preceded by lesions which are visible to the naked eye prior to transformation. A non-invasive diagnostic modality would permit regular monitoring of these lesions, detection of lesion transformation, and the identification of treatment needs at a [...]

2009-04-15T11:21:29-07:00March, 2007|Archive|

Where do the public seek advice about mouth ulcers

3/23/2007 London, England A. J. Mighell British Dental Journal 202, 328 - 329 (2007) - An investigation of where the Israeli public seek advice on mouth ulcers. - Nearly one third of those surveyed had a history of mouth ulceration. - Lay people could not distinguish an ulcer with features that would strongly suggest a malignant neoplasm from other types of mouth ulcer. - The vast majority would first seek advice from their general medical practitioner. -Less than 20% would first approach a general dental practitioner. -------------------------------------------------- Abstract Objective: To investigate where the public seek advice about mouth ulcers and to what extent the public approach the community pharmacy for advice. Subjects and methods: One thousand members of the general public were randomly chosen and surveyed throughout the day in the main shopping streets of two towns in Israel, Haifa and Tel Aviv. All participants were presented with four standard verbal questions designed to identify reactions to and past experience of mouth ulcers. All responses were recorded immediately on to data sheets and transferred to a computer for analysis of frequencies and percentages and Chi-square analysis. Results Nearly one third of those surveyed admitted to a history of mouth ulceration. The vast majority (66-69%) would first approach their general medical practitioner for advice, 13-17% would first approach a general dental practitioner, and only a small minority of the public (4-10%) would first approach the community pharmacy. Lay persons could not distinguish an ulcer with features that would strongly suggest a [...]

2009-04-15T11:20:54-07:00March, 2007|Archive|

Anatomy of a tongue – How a victim of cancer was able to talk again

3/22/2007 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Lorianne Garrison For Donna Walsh, it began as a little nip on the tongue. It didn’t seem like much of a problem — sore, tender, but not a big deal. Then, on Christmas Day in 2005, she experienced a terrible pain that “felt like something had exploded” in her mouth. A doctor sent her to a specialist, and then another specialist. On Feb. 1 — her 53rd birthday — Ms. Walsh, an Ottawa public school teacher, wife and mother, was diagnosed with tongue cancer. “It surprised me incredibly, because I was never a smoker,” she said. “It was something I didn’t expect at all.” A little more than two weeks after her diagnosis, Ms. Walsh had surgery to remove one-third of her tongue, to stop the cancer from spreading. She became one of between 25 and 30 people each year in Ottawa who have a unique procedure called a radial forearm free flap, involving the domino-like replacement of flesh from arm to tongue, and leg to arm. Dr. Martin Corsten, a head and neck cancer specialist at the Ottawa Hospital, working with plastic surgeon Murray Allan, removed the cancerous portion of Ms. Walsh’s tongue, which was four centimetres long and one centimetre deep. Ms. Walsh was sedated, Dr. Corsten said, and the infected tissue cut out with an electric knife. In cases where little of the tongue is removed, the patient doesn’t have much trouble adjusting to having “a little bit less tongue,” Dr. Corsten [...]

2009-04-15T11:20:19-07:00March, 2007|Archive|

FDA accepts two Roche diagnostics HPV tests for review

3/22/2007 web-based article press release News-Medical.Net ( Roche has announced today that the United States (U.S.) Food & Drug Administration has accepted for review its applications for two human papillomavirus (HPV) tests. The Amplicor HPV Test is designed to enable accurate detection of 13 of the more common high-risk HPV genotypes in standard clinical samples. The Linear Array HPV Genotyping Test is designed to identify which of the 13 high-risk HPV genotypes are present in a sample. Persistent infection with HPV is the principal cause of cervical cancer and its precursor, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. "DNA tests that are currently used in conjunction with Pap smear tests for cervical cancer screening can only tell if a woman has HPV infection, but cannot identify which type she has," said Daniel O'Day, head of Roche Molecular Diagnostics, the business area of Roche Diagnostics that developed the test. "We are pleased to be working with the FDA to bring both HPV detection and genotyping tests to the U.S. market. We believe availability of both tests could offer important, clinically relevant information to clinicians working to better identify and manage persistent, high-risk HPV infections before they progress to more serious forms of disease." According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, genital infection with HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S. today. Over half of sexually active women and men are infected with HPV at some point in their lives. In most cases, infections with HPV are not serious. The majority [...]

2009-04-15T11:18:59-07:00March, 2007|Archive|

Roll Up Fear

3/22/2007 United Kingdom Nigel Nelson ThePeople.Co.UK ( ROLL-UPS are deadlier than ordinary cigarettes, frightening new research reveals. The DIY cigarettes are more likely to cause cancer in the mouth and throat because the tobacco is stronger. But despite the risks, the number of people smoking them has DOUBLED to 33 per cent since 1990. And the figures for women have rocketed SIXFOLD in the same period, with one woman smoker in eight rolling her own. Health minister Philip Hunt warned: "Smokers of hand-rolled cigarettes are more vulnerable to developing oral and throat cancer." But Mr Hunt insisted the Government could not try to crack down on the problem by raising the tax on rolling tobacco because that would only spark a boom in smuggling. At present, Whitehall spends £50million a year on anti-smoking programmes. But the success rate has been tiny, with the number of women smokers dipping by only two points from 27 to 25 per cent since 2001. Now health watchdogs hope ten of thousands of puffers will give up this summer when smoking is banned in public places.

2009-04-15T11:18:35-07:00March, 2007|Archive|

Smoking Largely Responsible for Laryngeal Cancers

3/22/2007 web-based article staff According to an article published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, smoking is responsible for the majority of laryngeal cancers in Central Europe. Cancer of the larynx, or voice box, is a type of head and neck cancer. The majority of head and neck cancers are cancers of the larynx. Central Europe has some of the highest incidence rates of laryngeal cancer in the world. Because smoking is known to contribute significantly to the development of laryngeal cancers, researchers continue to evaluate potential links between smoking and other environmental variables and the risk of laryngeal cancer. Researchers from Europe recently conducted a clinical study to evaluate the potential role of both tobacco and alcohol in the development of laryngeal cancers. This study included individuals involved in the Central and Eastern Europe Multicenter Study who had been diagnosed with squamous cell laryngeal cancers (the most common type of laryngeal cancers) between 2000 and 2002. Another group of individuals who did not have laryngeal cancers was also included in the study. Patterns of tobacco and alcohol use were evaluated among both groups. * Approximately 87% of laryngeal cancer is attributed to the use of tobacco. * 75% of laryngeal cancer is attributed to current tobacco use, while 12% is due to past tobacco use. * Nearly 40% of laryngeal cancers are attributed to the interaction between alcohol and tobacco. * Stopping smoking for five years or longer protected individuals against the development of laryngeal cancer. * Alcohol [...]

2009-04-15T11:18:09-07:00March, 2007|Archive|
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