Possible Viral Links to Lung Cancer Risk Uncovered

4/27/2008 Washington, D.C. Alan Mozes WashingtonPost.com Although smoking is well-established as an independent risk factor for lung cancer, two new studies suggest that two different viral infections might boost a smoker's already substantial risk for developing the disease. While the specific viruses at issue -- human papillomavirus (HPV) and measles -- may not directly cause lung cancer, they seem to aggravate the negative impact of tobacco, American and Israeli researchers say. Both findings were presented Friday by separate research teams attending the European Lung Cancer Conference in Geneva. "In terms of HPV, our finding is pretty controversial," said study author Dr. Arash Rezazadeh, a fellow of medical oncology and hematology at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. "And this is just the beginning of the road. There is much more work to be done. But it's important to know that being infected with this virus does appear to increase lung cancer risk." As for the role of measles, the second study's lead author, Dr. Samuel Ariad, from the department of oncology at Soroka Medical Center in Beer Sheva, Israel, said that infection -- perhaps even asymptomatic infection -- seems to be associated with half of the lung cancer cases he tracked. "Measles virus by itself is unlikely to be carcinogenic," he said. "[But] it probably modifies previous damage to DNA caused by smoking." Both studies specifically focused on the viral impact on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) risk. According to the American Cancer Society, 85 percent to 90 percent of [...]

2009-04-16T12:47:35-07:00April, 2008|Archive|

Hopkins Doctor Urges Early Diagnosis To Avoid Cancer’s Forgotten Killer

4/22/2008 Baltimore, MD staff www.webwire.com On average, two Marylanders each day are diagnosed with potentially fatal oral cancers that are often curable if identified and treated early. The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Office of Oral Health reports that the state ranks in the country’s top 10 for number of deaths caused by oral cancers. Nationally, statistics show that the death rate from these cancers is higher than those of cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, testicular cancer, and thyroid and malignant melanoma. A sore in the mouth that doesn’t heal could be a warning sign of oral cancer, which kills more than 8,000 people a year. Of the 34,000 Americans newly diagnosed with oral cancer annually, only half will be alive in five years. According to the American Dental Association, early diagnosis and treatment could boost that rate to 75 or 80 percent. John O’Brien, 70, who had not smoked a cigarette in 33 years, was adamant about maintaining proper oral hygiene. But, in 2006, O’Brien, a national sales manager for an advertising agency, father of four and a grandfather of five, found a small lump that turned out to be a cancerous tumor at the base of his tongue. After 45 radiation treatments and six chemotherapy sessions, O’Brien says he is grateful to be alive. “I was just in disbelief. Nobody wants to hear that they have cancer,” says O’Brien. "But, for me I was lucky because the doctors caught it quickly.” “Often, oral cancer is not diagnosed [...]

2009-04-16T12:46:11-07:00April, 2008|Archive|

Opening up – Innovative physical therapy helps keep cancer survivor

4/22/2008 Knoxville, TN Kristi L. Nelson knoxnews.com A long, deep yawn. A bite of a chocolate bar or crab meat. A vigorous brushing and thorough flossing. For 2 1/2 years, Esther Cahal has forgone these and other small pleasures most people take for granted. An unusual complication from a rare form of particularly aggressive tongue cancer left Cahal's mouth locked shut, able to open barely wide enough to insert her little finger. She stays alive by hooking herself up to a feeding tube unit each night and sleeping in an upright position while she "eats" a liquid nutritional supplement for eight hours through a port in her stomach. A little more than a year ago, Cahal, facing a recurrence of her cancer, "decided that before I die, I'm going to eat again," Cahal said. "If this cancer's going to kill me, at least I'm going to have something good down my throat." But Cahal has had two "clear" scans for cancer - and now an innovative physical therapy treatment is helping open her up to experiencing food again. n It started in February 2004, when Cahal's dentist found an ulcer on the right side of her tongue. She thought the skin was irritated by a tooth, but when the tooth was fixed, the ulcer still didn't heal. So she had a biopsy. "It came back as extremely aggressive cancer," Cahal said. "It was a surprise for everybody, because I didn't have any risk factors." The type of cancer Cahal had [...]

2009-04-16T12:45:36-07:00April, 2008|Archive|

Understanding the biological basis of autofluorescence imaging for oral cancer detection

4/21/2008 Austin, TX I Pavlova et al. Clin. Cancer Res., April 15, 2008; 14(8): 2396-404 Purpose: Autofluorescence imaging is increasingly used to noninvasively identify neoplastic oral cavity lesions. Improving the diagnostic accuracy of these techniques requires a better understanding of the biological basis for optical changes associated with neoplastic transformation in oral tissue. Experimental Design: A total of 49 oral biopsies were considered in this study. The autofluorescence patterns of viable normal, benign, and neoplastic oral tissue were imaged using high-resolution confocal fluorescence microscopy. Results: The autofluorescence properties of oral tissue vary significantly based on anatomic site and pathologic diagnosis. In normal oral tissue, most of the epithelial autofluorescence originates from the cytoplasm of cells in the basal and intermediate regions, whereas structural fibers are responsible for most of the stromal fluorescence. A strongly fluorescent superficial layer was observed in tissues from the palate and the gingiva, which contrasts with the weakly fluorescent superficial layer found in other oral sites. Upon UV excitation, benign inflammation shows decreased epithelial fluorescence, whereas dysplasia displays increased epithelial fluorescence compared with normal oral tissue. Stromal fluorescence in both benign inflammation and dysplasia drops significantly at UV and 488 nm excitation. Conclusion: Imaging oral lesions with optical devices/probes that sample mostly stromal fluorescence may result in a similar loss of fluorescence intensity and may fail to distinguish benign from precancerous lesions. Improved diagnostic accuracy may be achieved by designing optical probes/devices that distinguish epithelial fluorescence from stromal fluorescence and by using excitation wavelengths in the [...]

2009-04-16T12:44:48-07:00April, 2008|Archive|

Swedish tobacco tied to premature death

4/21/2008 Gothenburg, Sweden, staff www.upi.com A form of moist Swedish tobacco known as snus has been linked to premature death in users, a new longitudinal study has found. Dr. Ann Roosaar at the Odontological Institute said the study found snus -- it rhymes with moose -- posed a significant health risk to those who used it even when compared to normal tobacco, the Swedish news agency TT reported Saturday. "Even if smoking is without question a much greater threat to health than snus our research rejects the view that the use of Swedish snus is in principle without risk," the researcher said. The study examined the use of snus in the Swedish municipalities of Enkoping and Habo during a 30-year period, along with residents' use of other tobacco products and alcohol. Snus is generally used by placing a pinch of it inside the mouth under the upper lip. Inhabitants' mouths were examined prior to the study and its final results indicated that snus users were more likely to have mouth and throat cancers than non-snus users, the news agency said.

2009-04-16T12:44:27-07:00April, 2008|Archive|

Qiagen keeps purchase powder dry for now

4/19/2008 Hilden, Germany Patricia Gugau and Mantik Kusjanto www.guardian.uk Qiagen plans to keep its powder dry for major acquisitions for now as it focuses on integrating its $1.6 billion purchase of rival Digene, its finance chief said. "We still have sufficient firepower (for purchases)," Roland Sackers told Reuters in an interview. But Qiagen first wanted to integrate Digene, which has made it the second-largest molecular diagnostics company in the world after Roche. Digene helped boost cash flow at Qiagen, which has a high equity-to-assets ratio of 50 percent, he said. Qiagen also had a credit line for an undisclosed amount. Digene's flagship product is a test for detecting human papilloma virus (HPV), the cause of almost all cervical cancers. The market for HPV testing is estimated at more than $1 billion. In the HPV field, Digene is the market leader. Roche and smaller rival Third Wave Technologies are also tapping the lucrative and fast-growing market. Digene shares were up 0.8 percent at 1240 GMT, compared with a 0.2 percent rise in pan-European DJ Stoxx drug index. Sackers said the company was still in talks about payments from health authorities in Europe for its HPV test kits, which have proven to be more accurate than the traditional Pap smear test. Only private health insurers have been willing to pay for its HPV test kits in Europe. "I believe there will be a breakthrough," he said. Qiagen also dominates the genetic test kit industry. They are used to isolate nucleic acid -- [...]

2009-04-16T12:43:59-07:00April, 2008|Archive|

Introgen Therapeutics phase 3 study of cancer drug confirms earlier findings

4/19/2008 London, England press release CNNMoney.com Introgen Therapeutics Inc. said Monday its Advexin phase three clinical trial data in patients with recurrent head and neck cancer has confirmed earlier phase two results of the drug's efficacy. 'Advexin provides therapeutic benefit by restoring p53 tumor suppressor function which is blocked in the majority of head and neck cancers,' Robert E. Sobol, senior vice president, medical and scientific affairs, Introgen said in a statement. A comprehensive analysis of Introgen's phase three data and additional studies of Advexin will be presented at medical conferences later this year. These and other data will be the basis for regulatory submissions in the United States and in Europe as previously reported, the company said.

2009-04-16T12:43:24-07:00April, 2008|Archive|

HPV-related oral cancers rise among younger men

4/15/2008 Baltimore, MD Stephanie Desmon Baltimore Sun (www.baltimoresun.com) Dr. Maura Gillison The sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in women has now been linked to an uptick of throat, tonsil and tongue cancers - in a younger and healthier group of patients than doctors have ever seen before. These head and neck cancers were once the scourge of older men - mostly the result of lifetimes of heavy smoking and drinking. The treatments often left victims disfigured. But with those cases on the decline, doctors are seeing a new group of victims. They're men in their 40s, and even 30s, whose cancer is brought on by the increasingly common human papillomavirus (HPV). It's an infection that more than half of Americans will encounter during their lifetimes. And researchers now believe that the increase in certain oral cancers can be traced to the spread of the virus through oral sex. New studies suggest that HPV-related oral cancer cases are on pace to eventually surpass cases of cervical cancer in the United States, which strikes about 11,000 women each year. And many doctors do not realize that they should be on the lookout for oral cancer in younger patients. "It just kind of rocks the whole paradigm," said Dr. Maura Gillison, a Johns Hopkins oncologist who is credited with making the link between HPV and oral cancers. "Everyone thinks of the long-term smoker, the long-term drinker. Now we're seeing the movers and shakers in the prime of life." Gillison and others [...]

2009-04-16T12:42:25-07:00April, 2008|Archive|

Nuvelo Announces Preclinical Data for NU206 Demonstrating Potent Therapeutic Activity in Oral Mucositis Models

4/14/2008 San Carlos, CA press release TheEarthTimes (www.earthtimes.org) Nuvelo, Inc. today announced preclinical data demonstrating the mechanism of action and the potent therapeutic activity of NU206 (R-spondin1) in chemotherapy or radiation-induced oral mucositis models. The data were presented in a poster session yesterday at the 2008 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. The study, conducted in mouse models of oral mucositis, showed that NU206 regenerated basal layer epithelial cells and accelerated cell repair by stimulating the Wnt pathway, a signaling pathway that is critical for cell growth and differentiation during homeostasis and pathogenesis. "This study reinforces our belief that NU206 is a potent regenerative agent," said Dr. Ted W. Love, chairman and chief executive officer of Nuvelo. "We are on track to begin a Phase 1 trial with NU206 in the second quarter of this year, and are also assessing the therapeutic potential of other secreted proteins in the R-spondin family through our Wnt therapeutics program, which targets a range of indications where cell regeneration and differentiation are important to disease processes, including gastrointestinal disease, bone disorders, wound healing and cancer." About NU206 and R-Spondin secreted proteins NU206 (R-spondin1) is a recombinant, secreted protein that acts as a highly specific regulator of the gastrointestinal epithelial cell function as demonstrated in early animal studies. Preclinical studies suggest it can promote growth and repair in animal models of radiation or cancer chemotherapy induced gastrointestinal injury, as well as in animal models of inflammatory bowel disease. The [...]

2009-04-16T12:41:24-07:00April, 2008|Archive|

Providing early evidence of oral cancer

4/11/2008 Buffalo, NY Louis Baker UB Reporter (www.buffalo.edu) Epithelial cells of the mouth collected by a simple “swish and spit” method can be used to detect potential early evidence of oral cancer, a preliminary study conducted by researchers at UB and Roswell Park Cancer Institute has shown. Results of the study were presented Friday at a poster session at the 2008 American Academy of Dental Research in Dallas. More than 34,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer in 2008 and only half of those will be alive in five years, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation. It is the sixth most common cancer worldwide, making early detection imperative. The cancer marker studied is a fibrous protein molecule known as cytokeratin 8 (CK8). “This cytokeratin has emerged recently as a potential cellular marker of premalignant changes in oral epithelial cells and of increased risk of cancer development,” said Jennifer Frustino, a predoctoral student in the UB School of Dental Medicine and first author on the study. “These markers are especially useful because they are abundant, stable and easily stained and detected,” she said. “Cytokeratin 8 expression is closely related to abnormalities of epithelial cells and shows a positive correlation with the development of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.” Epithelial cells line all internal and external body surfaces. Saliva samples were collected from eight subjects with oral cancer or a history of abnormal oral lesions and five healthy controls. Participants brushed and rinsed with saline before providing the [...]

2009-04-16T12:41:03-07:00April, 2008|Archive|
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