Immune cells may guide therapy for oropharyngeal cancer

Source: Author: Charles Bankhead, Staff Writer, MedPage Today Higher pretreatment levels of cytotoxic T lymphocytes may help identify patients with head and neck cancer who have a favorable prognosis and require less aggressive treatment, according to a study reported here. A higher proportion of CD8 cells predicted improved survival in patients with oropharyngeal cancer associated with human papillomavirus-16 (HPV-16), investigators reported at the American Head and Neck Society. The finding supports the hypothesis that a patient's adaptive immunity may play a role in the favorable prognosis of HPV 16-related head and neck cancer. "We had hypothesized that a better immune status might be responsible for the better survival," Gregory T. Wolf, MD, of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, said in an interview. "The next step will be find out what the function of these cells might be and whether they are really contributing to the control of the cancer or to good response to therapy." The results also support the feasibility of using a biologic marker to identify patients with head and neck cancer that can be treated less aggressively, sparing patients from some of the treatment-related morbidity, Wolf added. Confirming the association between CD8 cells and survival is the latest step in a scientific journey that began about 15 years ago, when researchers and clinicians began to notice that a subgroup of patients with oropharyngeal cancer had a more favorable prognosis than would have been expected. Many of the patients tested positive for HPV, specifically HPV-16. [...]

Biggest study ever reports on mobiles and brain cancer

Source: Author: press release The International Journal of Epidemiology today published a combined data analysis from a multi national population-based case-control study of glioma and meningioma, the most common types of brain tumour. This is the first in a series of combined data analyses of head and neck tumours published as part of the internationally coordinated INTERPHONE project. The authors reported the following conclusion: Overall, no increase in risk of glioma or meningioma was observed with use of mobile phones. There were suggestions of an increased risk of glioma at the highest exposure levels, but biases and error prevent a causal interpretation. The possible effects of long-term heavy use of mobile phones require further investigation. In the press release accompanying the release of the paper, Dr Christopher Wild, Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said: "An increased risk of brain cancer is not established from the data from Interphone. However, observations at the highest level of cumulative call time and the changing patterns of mobile phone use since the period studied by Interphone, particularly in young people, mean that further investigation of mobile phone use and brain cancer risk is merited." Commenting on the study, Michael Milligan, Secretary General of the Mobile Manufacturers Forum said "The INTERPHONE project is the biggest study of its kind ever undertaken in this field and provides significant further reassurance about the safety of mobile phones. The overall analysis is consistent with previous studies and the significant body of research, [...]

Doctors study link between oral cancer and HPV – suggest males should also be vaccinated

Source: Author: Iris Winston, Canwest News Service Oral cancer brings to mind images of longtime chain smokers and grizzled tobacco chewers. But the risk factors for cancers of the mouth and throat now include sexual activity as well as all forms of tobacco use and alcohol consumption. "Over the 20 years I have been in practice, I have treated a few rodeo riders and baseball players who use chewing tobacco or snuff, as well as smokers," says Dr. Joseph Dort, a professor of head and neck surgery at the University of Calgary's faculty of medicine and president of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology. "Classically, people think of oral cancer as something that occurs in smokers and drinkers and usually among people in their 50s, 60s or even older. But, over the last 10 years or so, we have become aware that the human papillomavirus (HPV) -- the same virus that is associated with cervical cancer -- has now been strongly associated with certain kinds of head and neck cancer, specifically the tonsil and tongue-based cancers, and that they are becoming more prevalent in people who are younger than the usual cohort." Dr. Linda Lee, a specialist in oral pathology and oral medicine who is the staff dentist at Toronto's Princess Margaret Hospital, has seen a similar trend. "Because people are smoking less, we would expect to see a decline in oral cancer," she says, "but it hasn't declined and this is probably because of the HPV factor. We have [...]

Give cancer a kick with a helping of cruciferous veggies

Source: Author: Darlene Zimmerman, Henry Ford HealthSystem Researchers have been focusing on the potential cancer-fighting ability of cruciferous vegetables, which get their name from their four-petaled flowers, which look like a crucifer or cross. The cruciferous family includes an interesting assortment of vegetables -- arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, collards, kohlrabi, mustard greens, kale, radishes, turnips, turnip greens, watercress and bok choy. Although research is ongoing, studies suggest that cruciferous vegetables may help ward off certain forms of cancers, especially cancer of the mouth, throat and stomach. Experts believe they contain substances that stimulate the release of anti-cancer enzymes and promote the destruction of cancer cells. As nutrition researchers learn more about the cancer-fighting properties of these vegetables, it's important to enjoy cruciferous vegetables often.

Tongue cancer symptoms: soreness, spots & swellings

Source: Author: staff Tongue cancer normally occurs in the squamous, or skin cells. Symptoms of tongue cancer either in the front or middle of your tongue makes it oral cancer - if they're at the base of your tongue it comes under the heading of throat or oropharyngeal cancer. When looking for tongue cancer symptoms, watch out for the following persistent signs: • Red, pink, grey or white spots on tongue • Sore spots on tongue • Leukoplakia or erythroplakia on tongue • Sore throat • Pain when swallowing • Mouth numbness • Unexplained bleeding of tongue • Pain in the ear (very rare) • Changes in your voice • Tongue swelling Red, Pink, Grey or White Spots on Tongue - These symptoms of tongue cancer start small and may look like canker sores, especially if they occur in other places in your mouth. Canker sores tend to go away in a week or two. White spots on tongue might also indicate oral thrush or hairy tongue, but you'll be able to gently scrape these off yourself. Remember, persistency is one of the main factors for symptoms of tongue cancer, along with tongue pain. Leukoplakia & Erythroplakia - These are products of uncontrolled cell growth, one of the very definitions of cancer. But figuring out if they are actual tongue cancer symptoms or just irritations from your dental work depends on a biopsy. They might also be pre-cancerous, so it's best to see your dentist about these swelling or [...]

ADA unveils oral cancer evidence-based recommendations

Source: Author: Jennifer Garvin A panel convened by the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs explored the potential benefits and risks of screening for oral squamous cell carcinomas and the use of screening aids to detect malignant or potentially malignant oral lesions. The panel's findings are published as the cover story in the May edition of The Journal of the American Dental Association. "Evidence-Based Clinical Recommendations Regarding Screening for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas" were developed by a CSA expert panel convened in April 2009, and join similar recommendations on topical fluoride and sealants as the Association's only evidence-based recommendations. Though evidence-based dentistry (EBD) recommendations do not represent a standard of care, the CSA hopes practitioners will use the recommendations as a resource in their clinical decision-making process alongside a clinician’s judgment and experience in the context of a patient's individual needs. The panel worked with ADA Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry staff and assessed five systematic reviews and four clinical studies as a basis for developing the recommendations. They addressed whether or not screenings help reduce morbidity and mortality, and whether or not oral cancer detection devices aid in detecting potentially malignant or malignant lesions. The panel concluded that while oral cancer screenings may detect potentially malignant and/or malignant lesions, clinicians are urged to remain alert for signs the lesions may become cancerous or early stage cancers while performing routine visual and tactile examinations in all patients, particularly those who use tobacco or consume alcohol heavily. "What's most important is that [...]

Is green tea the way to better oral health?

Source: Author: staff Drink up! We all know that Brits love a good cup of tea and now a new report shows that it could actually have a positive effect on our teeth and gums. The study, which examined the dental health of 940 men, found that those who drank green tea regularly had better oral health than those who consumed less. Male participants, aged 49–59, were examined on three indicators of gum disease: researchers found that for every cup of green tea consumed per day, a decrease in all three indicators occurred. Chief Executive of the Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, welcomed this new research and said: “Any new study which brings dental healthcare into the spotlight is a step in the right direction. “Like any study of a relatively small number of people we can never be certain of the results – but because tea is relatively cheap and easily available we must take notice of studies of this type and we at the Foundation will continue to watch and report on this and similar stories.” The British Dental Health Foundation has previously reported on studies which show a connection between drinking green tea and decreasing the growth of cancer cells in the body. The Foundation stresses that early detection is key to beating mouth cancer, Dr Carter added: “Without early diagnosis the chances of survival plummet down to 50 percent.” Around 5,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with mouth cancer each year, making it the UK’s [...]

New optical oral cancer screening device should be developed

Source: Author: staff Oral cancer is on the rise all around the world. According to the American Cancer Society there are almost 130,000 lethal cases that are attributed to this cancer disease annually. As such the need is every growing to better develop the methods for detecting oral cancer at an earlier stage. There is no satisfactory mechanism that currently exists to screen and detect early changes of the oral cavity in the general population. The situation is even more challenging in low resource areas and in developing countries, where a combination of the lack of expertise and the inadequate resources for oral cancer screening can mean even longer diagnosis delays, which can lead to higher mortality and morbidity. Oral cancer screening normally involves visual inspection of the entire tissue surface at risk under white light illumination. However, a number of oral cancer screening products have been designed to improve diagnostic outcomes have been commercialized and developed. Researchers continue to experiment with new and better ways to more accurately locate and distinguish potentially malignant lesions using advanced optical technologies. However, developing countries pose unique a challenge when it comes to a device that can be used by individuals with limited clinical expertise that is affordable. The goal is to provide a cost effective opportunity for oral cancer screening that will work with the persons available in those health systems. That means that you have to have a very low cost, battery powered device. No one has developed on yet [...]

New model for oral cancer/tobacco research

Source: Author: staff A carcinogen in tobacco smoke is being used in oral cancer research to provide a more relevant model to understand the disease, U.S. researchers say. Joseph Guttenplan of the the New York City College of Dentistry and Dr. Karam El-Bayoumy of the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine say smoking is understood to be one of the leading causes of oral cancer, but research on oral cancer in has been limited to using synthetic carcinogens manufactured especially for cancer research, instead of examining the carcinogens that occur in tobacco smoke. The researchers injected low, medium and high doses of dibenzo(a,l)pyrene, a carcinogen in tobacco, into the mouths of 104 mice. After 38 weeks, one group of the mice developed excessive numbers of mutations in their oral tissue and within one year, 31 percent of a second group of mice displayed large tumors in their mouths. "As a result of this study, we now have a model that is significantly better than past models which relied on synthetic carcinogens," Guttenplan says in a statement. "We plan to use this new model in future studies to examine potential agents for cancer prevention." The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Washington.

Sexually transmitted virus leads to rise in oral cancer

Source: The Boston Channel Author: Staff Boston cancer specialists are trying to learn what’s behind an “epidemic” spike in oral cancer cases that they say is caused by the human papillomavirus, commonly known as HPV. “What you're seeing here is a five-fold increase in the numbers that we would expect,” said Dr. Marshall R. Posner, of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. “So that, to me, is an epidemic.” NewsCenter 5’s Heather Unruh reported Thursday that most adults have been exposed to HPV. Doctors say it can be sexually transmitted, even through deep kissing. What doctors don’t know yet is why in some people, such a common virus develops into cancer. “Most people who get infected with HPV naturally clear the virus,” said DFCI’s Dr. Karen Anderson. Anderson and her team of researchers are trying to isolate who’s at risk for oral cancer from HPV, and why. “Because then,” Anderson said, “we can focus on more aggressive screening approaches for people who are at higher risk and start to look at more therapeutic interventions earlier on.” Posner said that at least 20,000 cases of oropharyngeal cancer are diagnosed in the United States each year. Most patients are young. Three in four occur in men. Tony is one face among the statistics. Five days a week he psyches himself up for radiation to treat the cancer that grew at the base of his tongue, where it meets his throat. “What I say,” he said, “is, ‘It is not of me, or a [...]

2010-05-14T14:37:01-07:00May, 2010|Oral Cancer News|
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