‘How I knew I had throat cancer’: Four survivors share their symptoms

Source: www.mdanderson.org Author: Cynthia Demarco For high school football coach Mark Teague, the only symptom of throat cancer he noticed was a small lump beneath his jaw. “I’d been aware of it for a while,” says Teague, who was diagnosed with HPV-related throat cancer at age 49. “But I’d had sinus problems all my life, so I didn’t think anything of it. I just assumed it was another swollen lymph node.” George Brownfield had a similar experience. “I found a little lump on my neck one day while shaving,” says the senior systems analyst, who was diagnosed with the same disease at age 48. “I remember thinking, ‘Hey, why does that side of my neck look so puffy?’ and going to my general practitioner. He told me it was probably an infection and prescribed some antibiotics.” The most common throat cancer symptoms: painless neck lumps and swollen lymph nodes Mark and George’s experiences are not unusual. Most people with throat cancer don’t have any symptoms. But when they do, a swollen lymph node or a painless lump in the neck are among the most common. Why? “Lymph nodes are essentially tiny little sieves that capture dangerous particles circulating around our bodies,” explains head and neck cancer surgeon Miriam Lango, M.D. “Sometimes, cancer cells get caught in there and start growing in place. Eventually, they form tumors that can get big enough to grow out of the lymph nodes.” Other throat cancer symptoms, including (rarely) pain Other MD Anderson patients have [...]

New research to develop AI to better predict risk of mouth cancer

Source: www.digitalhealth.net Author: Andrea Downey The University of Sheffield and Cancer Research UK have teamed up to develop artificial intelligence which will help predict the risk of mouth cancer. The study will look at the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to assist pathologists in spotting the disease, which has increased by 60% in the last 10 years. Samples of oral epithelial dysplasia (OED), pre-cancerous changes that can develop into cancer, along with five years of follow up data will be used to train AI algorithms. Currently, doctors must predict the likelihood of OED developing into cancer by assessing a patient’s biopsy on 15 different criteria to establish a score. This score then determines whether action is needed and what treatment pathway should be taken. But there are often huge variations in how patients with similar biopsy results are treated, researchers said. For example, one patient may be advised to undergo surgery and intensive treatment, while another patient may be monitored for further changes. Dr Ali Khurram, senior clinical lecturer at the University of Sheffield’s School of Clinical Dentistry, said: “The precise grading of OED is a huge diagnostic challenge, even for experienced pathologists, as it is so subjective. “Correct grading is vital in early oral cancer detection to inform treatment decisions, enabling a surgeon to determine whether a lesion should be monitored or surgically removed. “Machine learning and AI can aid tissue diagnostics by removing subjectivity, using automation and quantification to guide diagnosis and treatment. Until now [...]

“Immunotherapy is keeping me alive” – John’s story

Source: www.icr.ac.uk Author: John Dabell On his daughter’s second birthday in 2009, John Dabell was diagnosed with advanced head and neck cancer. He went through extensive surgery and treatment and was on the road to recovery when he was diagnosed with cancer again – this time, a tumour in his throat. John was told he didn’t have long to live. But then he started immunotherapy. Here, he talks about its incredible impact and the opportunity it’s given him to spend more time with his wife and daughter. The first red flag telling me something was wrong was when my tongue started to swell. I soldiered on because I didn’t think there was anything sinister going on. That was a mistake. I started having difficulty eating and swallowing, but I put that down to my throat being sore. I was also extremely tired, but I had a young daughter at home and was busy being a primary school teacher. After about a month, things hadn’t improved. I found that I couldn’t utter my words in the same way and things started to get painful. Then my tongue inflated, and I went to see my GP, who recommended I see my dentist. My dentist immediately referred me to a head and neck specialist at the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham. My life changed forever A biopsy and MRI scan revealed that I had a tumour growing inside my tongue and it was stage four head and neck cancer. This knocked me for [...]

Cancer experts warn about wave of HPV-related cancers in adults

Source: www.eurekalert.org Author: Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Experts are concerned about rapidly rising rates of HPV-related throat and mouth cancers, noting that if this trend continues they could quickly be among the most common forms of cancer in adults between ages 45 and 65. Recent estimates suggest that middle throat cancer (known medically as oropharyngeal cancer) may become one of the top three cancers among middle-aged men in the United States by 2045, and the most common form of cancer among elderly men in the next 10 years. According to Matthew Old, MD, a head and neck surgeon at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC – James), this rise of middle throat cancers in this age group is due to the direct impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection before modern vaccines were introduced in 2006. HPV is a large group of viruses spread through skin-to-skin and oral contact that occurs during sexual activity. The virus spreads easily, and an estimated 98% of the population has been exposed to it. HPV can remain dormant for decades. High-risk strains of the virus have long been linked to increased risk of cervical cancer; however, data from the past decade shows high-risk HPV is also strongly linked to cancers of the head and neck (mouth, base of tongue and throat). In 2006, Gardasil introduced an HPV vaccine, which is administered in youth between the ages of 9 and [...]

PET/MRI proves value in following up head and neck cancers

Source: www.auntminnieeurope.com Author: Philip Ward, AuntMinnieEurope.com staff writer PET/MRI is a promising tool in the pre-therapeutic assessment of primary tumors of the upper aerodigestive tract with lymph node extension, particularly in the identification of predictive characteristics of recurrence or progression, a leading French research group has reported. "Lymph node PET/MR analysis has shown that the strongest predictors of recurrence were lymph node enhancement and SUVmax for the contralateral nodes and enhancement, SUVmax node shape for the homolateral nodes," noted Dr. Nadya Pyatigorskaya, PhD, a neuroradiologist at the Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital (l'Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, AP-HP) in Paris and a researcher in the MOV'IT multidisciplinary team at the Paris Brain Institute, and colleagues. Cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract mostly consist of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs), which account for 90% of stage I head and neck cancers and represent the sixth most common cancer worldwide. HNSCC have a high recurrence rate and represent one of the most common histological types to metastasize to regional lymph nodes, Pyatigorskaya explained in an e-poster presentation on 7 June at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) meeting in Toronto. "Metastatic nodes are mostly homolateral to the primary tumor, but contralateral or bilateral nodes are not rare, especially when the primary tumor is medial or posterior," she stated. "The risk of lymph node metastasis occurs for the largest tumors, mostly T3-T4. The presence of metastatic nodes reduces significantly the five-year survival rate." Lymph nodes are generally assessed by [...]

Blood test for 50 types of cancer could speed up diagnosis, study suggests

NHS trial results of liquid biopsy indicate Galleri test has the potential to spot cancer in people with symptoms A blood test for more than 50 forms of cancer could help speed up diagnosis and fast-track patients for treatment, a study suggests. NHS trial results of the liquid biopsy, published at the world’s largest cancer conference in the US, suggest the Galleri blood test has the potential to spot and rule out cancer in people with symptoms. The test detects tiny fragments of tumor DNA in the bloodstream. It alerts doctors as to whether a cancer signal has been detected and predicts where in the body that signal may have originated. Experts welcomed the findings from the trial but said more research would be needed before the test, made by the California company Grail, could be rolled out in healthcare systems. The Symplify study, led by the University of Oxford, involved 5,461 people in England and Wales who were referred to hospital by their GP with suspected cancer. Its results are being presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting in Chicago. The test correctly revealed two-thirds of cancers among those in the study. In 85% of those positive cases, it was also able to pinpoint the original site of cancer. It was more accurate in older patients and those with more advanced cancers, according to the trial results. Mark Middleton, a professor of experimental cancer medicine at Oxford, who led the trial, said the test had “potential for identifying [...]

2023-06-03T14:26:35-07:00June, 2023|Oral Cancer News|

Cancer drug shortage is forcing doctors to decide which patients get treatment

Source: abcnews.go.com Author: Mary Kekatos Just six weeks ago, Greg DeStefano began a new chemotherapy combination. The 50-year-old, from Northbrook, Illinois, had recently been diagnosed with his fourth round of cancer and doctors were hopeful the medication would treat the tumors growing in his neck. DeStefano was responding well, but then, in late May, he got a call from his doctor and was told one of the three drugs he was receiving -- carboplatin -- was under a global shortage and because of the way the hospital had to prioritize treatments, he wouldn't be qualified to receive it anymore. "We're frustrated because not only are we dealing with cancer, now we have to deal with a drug shortage of a pretty critical drug," DeStefano told ABC News. DeStefano's experience is similar to thousands across the United States of patients either having delayed treatment or being unable to receive treatment because of cancer drug shortages. At least 11 oncology medications are currently in short supply, according to an ABC News analysis of data from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Among them are carboplatin, used to treat ovarian and head and neck cancer; azacytidine, which treats a form of leukemia; and dacarbazine, used to treat skin cancer. "We've experienced drug shortages, intermittency, my entire career, it has always been a challenge," Julie Kennerly-Shah, associate director of pharmacy at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, told ABC News. "The past six months have been the most challenging in my career for [...]

Medicare patients with HSNCC fare better than younger counterparts

Source: www.ajmc.com Author: Jaime Rosenberg Patients of Medicare age have favorable outcomes when it comes to head and neck cancer, say new study findings published in Head & Neck. The researchers of the study write that their findings suggest many patients are waiting to seek cancer diagnosis or treatment until becoming eligible for Medicare. Deemed the “Medicare” effect, patients aged 65 years who had Medicare coverage had an increased incidence of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) but were less likely to receive a late-stage diagnosis and had lower mortality rates compared with their slightly younger counterparts on Medicaid or who were uninsured. “Cumulatively, this suggests a backlog of undiagnosed head and neck cancers within the near-elderly population, which take advantage of their new Medicare benefits to be diagnosed at early stage, treated with more surgery, and go onto to have better survival,” explained the researchers. “Prior studies have demonstrated an increase in the utilization of basic medical services, including cancer screenings and general exams, after patients become eligible for Medicare.” HNSCC accounts for approximately 3% of new cancer diagnoses in the United States each year and is generally diagnosed in patients aged 60 to 70 years. With cases often found during routine physicals or after experiencing symptoms such as dysphagia or voice changes, the researchers highlighted the importance of access to both primary care doctors and specialists. Drawing on data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database, the researchers found that patients aged 65 years had [...]

Speech-language pathology’s role in head and neck cancer, voice and oral-maxillofacial surgery

Source: mmheadlines.org Author: Michigan Medicine staff The management of voice and breathing disorders is a subspecialty of speech-language pathology (SLP). Disorders of the voice and breathing can occur across the lifespan from infants to the elderly. The causes of voice disorders are extremely broad and may be congenital or acquired. These include physiologic or anatomic pathology of the upper airway from underlying neurologic conditions, trauma, head/neck cancer or ineffective voice production strategies. As we age, changes in the underlying substructure of the larynx may also result in changes to the voice. An estimated 30% of adults may experience challenges associated with a voice disorder. The quality-of-life impact of voice disorders can result in social isolation as well as interfere with an individual’s ability to engage in their profession and avocational activities. Breathing disorders include chronic cough and throat clearing, symptomatic shortness of breath without a primary pulmonary cause, and other functional conditions of the upper airway such as paradoxical vocal fold motion disorder, in which the vocal folds move in inappropriate ways and interfere with breathing. Prior to therapy, patients require a comprehensive examination of the larynx and other aspects of the vocal apparatus to help inform the plan of care. The management of head and neck disorders is another subspecialty of speech-language pathology. Head and neck SLPs typically see patients ranging in age from teens to adults. Patients are often seen in conjunction with surgeons/physicians for collaborative evaluation and individually for evaluation and treatment. Head and neck SLPs provide [...]

Head and neck cancer: Additional chemotherapy increases survival rate for older patients

Source: www.dental-tribune.com Author: Franziska Beir, Dental Tribune International Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common cancer worldwide and results in approximately 450,000 deaths per year. As a result of demographic change, the proportion of older patients with this type of cancer is continuously increasing, and these patients are under-represented in clinical trials. The question of whether older patients should be treated with chemotherapy or drug therapy—in addition to radiotherapy—can cause controversy, and the association with higher survival rates has remained unclear. A large-scale international study involving University of Leipzig Medical Center and 12 other university hospitals has now proved the effectiveness of this combined treatment. Cancer treatment for older patients is more individualised compared with that for younger patients, owing to an increasing prevalence of frailty, comorbidities and a higher vulnerability to chemotherapy-related toxic effects. Standardised treatment for head and neck cancer either entails surgical removal of the tumour followed by radiotherapy or organ-preserving radiotherapy in combination with chemotherapy. The latter treatment is especially controversial, and there has been a lack of clinical data to determine the best option. The study involved 12 university hospitals in Europe and the US. The researchers analysed data from 1,044 older patients (65 years or older) with head and neck cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx or larynx. Between 2005 and 2019, 234 of these patients were treated with radiotherapy alone and 810 with radiotherapy in combination with either chemotherapy (677) or an alternative drug therapy with an antibody against a growth [...]

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