Up in smoke: health insurers hold billions in tobacco stocks

Source: Southernstudies.org Author: Desiree Evans A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that major U.S., Canadian and British life and health insurance companies are investing billions of dollars in tobacco company stock. Researchers first revealed that health and life insurance companies had major investments in tobacco companies in 1995 in an article in the British medical journal Lancet. More than 10 years later, insurance companies are still deeply invested in "big" tobacco, despite the national calls upon them to divest. "Despite calls upon the insurance industry to get out of the tobacco business by physicians and others, insurers continue to put their profits above people's health," said Wesley Boyd, the new report's lead author and a faculty member of Harvard Medical School. "It's clear their top priority is making money, not safe-guarding people's well-being." The report found that seven health and life-insurance companies in both the United States and overseas have nearly $4.5 billion invested in companies whose affiliates produce cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco. "Although investing in tobacco while selling life or health insurance may seem self-defeating, insurance firms have figured out ways to profit from both," Boyd said. "Insurers exclude smokers from coverage or, more commonly, charge them higher premiums. Insurers profit -- and smokers lose -- twice over." The study highlights New Jersey-based Prudential Financial Inc., which sells life insurance and long-term disability coverage. With total tobacco holdings of $264.3 million, Prudential Financial is a major investor in three tobacco firms, including America's biggest cigarette [...]

2009-06-19T07:41:28-07:00June, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

Senate votes for F.D.A. rules on tobacco

Source: nytimes.com Author: Duff Wilson The Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to impose federal regulation on cigarettes and other forms of tobacco, passing a landmark bill to empower the Food and Drug Administration to control products that eventually kill half their regular users. The Senate legislation has only minor differences from a version the House passed in April. A White House spokesman, Reid H. Cherlin, said that President Obama, who was a co-sponsor of the bill when he was in the Senate, would sign the legislation when it reached his desk. An estimated one in five people in this country smoke, and more than 400,000 of them die each year from smoking-related disease. But for decades, even after the surgeon general’s 1964 report declaring cigarettes a health hazard, Congressional efforts to regulate tobacco had met stiff opposition from lawmakers from tobacco-growing states and their political allies. And when the F.D.A. tried on its own to start regulating nicotine as a drug, the Supreme Court struck down that effort in 2000, saying the agency could not take such a step without Congressional authority. Cigarettes remained less regulated than cosmetics or pet food. But with broad bipartisan support in both the Senate and House, and a campaign pledge by Barack Obama to sign such legislation if he became president, the anti-tobacco forces came into alignment. “This long-overdue grant of authority to F.D.A. to regulate tobacco products means that the agency can finally take the actions needed to protect our people from the most [...]

Senate Passes Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Bill

Source: CNN.com Author: Evan Glass Senate passes bill increasing FDA power over tobacco products: WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A bill that increases the power of the federal Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco products cleared the Senate on Thursday. The Senate voted 79-17 for the Family Smoking and Tobacco Control Act, which is similar to a bill already passed by the House of Representatives. An aide to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland said the chamber will vote Friday on accepting the Senate bill, which would send the measure to President Obama for his signature. Most Senate opposition came from tobacco-producing states including Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. In a break from tradition, the two senators from Virginia -- another tobacco state -- supported the measure, indicating a moderate shift in the state's politics. The tobacco bill would allow the FDA to ban some tobacco products, limit the amount of nicotine in tobacco products and enlarge warning labels. A White House statement quoted Obama as calling the measure historic for "giving the scientists and medical experts at the FDA the power to take sensible steps that will reduce tobacco's harmful effects and prevent tobacco companies from marketing their products to children." The statement said Obama looks forward to signing the bill. The American Cancer Society, in a statement released shortly after the vote, said, "Today is an historic day for public health. "Tobacco is virtually the only consumable product not regulated in the U.S. and the tobacco industry exploits this [...]

2009-06-11T15:26:59-07:00June, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

Smoking debate has become nicotine-delivery debate

Source: www.godanriver.com Authors: David Ress & John Reid Blackwell, Media General News Service Federal regulators are cracking down on a cigarette substitute that uses technology similar to devices that Philip Morris USA researchers have focused on in recent years. Meanwhile, Virginia Commonwealth University is studying how much nicotine — the addictive compound in tobacco — the “electronic cigarettes” deliver, under a grant from the National Cancer Institute to look at nicotine products. Since the start of the year, the Food and Drug Administration has issued “Import Alerts” advising staff working alongside U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers that they can seize “electronic cigarettes” made by three Chinese companies, federal court records show. The FDA has refused to let at least 17 shipments of electronic cigarettes into the country, saying they are unapproved drug-delivery devices, spokeswoman Karen Riley said. The devices are cigarette-shaped tubes that hold a heater that vaporizes a mix of nicotine and a kind of alcohol for the smoker to inhale. The nicotine and alcohol — usually propylene glycol, used as a moisturizers in cosmetics and in antifreeze — are contained in a replaceable cartridge inserted into the device, which also contains electronic controls that allow it to deliver a puff-of-smokelike dose of nicotine. The vaporizer and control units typically cost $100, while cartridges cost about $2 to $3 each and are supposed to be equivalent to a pack or two of cigarettes. Cigarettes routinely sell for more than $4.50 a pack in Virginia. “The FDA is not [...]

‘Poor knowledge’ on cervical cancer

Source: The Press Association Author: Staff More than one in three girls does not know the causes of cervical cancer despite the "Jade Goody effect", a new poll suggests. A total of 38% of girls said they were unaware of the causes even though Goody - a former Big Brother star - raised the profile of the disease. Goody died in March aged 27 after a battle with the cancer, which had spread around her body. Anecdotal evidence from across the NHS suggests the number of women attending cervical screening has shot up as a result of her story. The poll of girls aged 12 to 18 was carried out for GlaxoSmithKline, which makes the Cervarix vaccine to protect against Human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes most cases of cervical cancer. Of the 255 girls questioned, 5% thought "sexual promiscuity" caused cervical cancer. Another 11% said "a type of virus" caused it but only 6% knew the HPV virus did. When the findings were compared with a survey of 139 girls aged 16 to 18 carried out before Goody was diagnosed, 40% said they did not know what caused the disease and 6% pointed to HPV. This could suggest that knowledge about HPV has not increased despite Goody's diagnosis. The more recent survey also found that 40% of girls thought a family history of the disease was a major factor in getting cervical cancer. Girls aged 12 to 13 are currently being vaccinated against HPV as part of an NHS campaign. [...]

2009-06-08T17:11:12-07:00June, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

Oral Cancer Survivor To Expose Dangers Of Chew Tobacco

Source: Middlesex-London Health Unit Author: Staff For Gruen Von Behrens, an encounter with chewing tobacco on a camping trip nearly two decades ago led to an addiction that not only changed his life, but the lives of hundreds of thousands of teens across North America who have heard his story. Today, the 31 year-old from Illinois tours the continent, using his life story as the backdrop for what can happen when teens get hooked on "Chew". Once a talented young baseball player with dreams of cracking a big league lineup, Von Behrens, has undergone more than 40 surgeries to rebuild his face and jaw, all necessary after he developed squamous cell carcinoma at 17, all consequences of his addiction to chewing tobacco. x-London Health Unit, its Youth Action Alliance, the One Life Crew, the Thames Valley District School Board and the London and District Catholic School Board are pleased to be hosting Von Behrens as he brings his "How Chew Tobacco Gave Me Cancer" presentation to London and Middlesex County next week. Von Gruen’s schedule will see him in London on Monday and Tuesday, then Strathroy on Wednesday and Thursday; a complete schedule of presentations follows this news release. While most of the presentations Gruen Von Behrens will make are specifically aimed at the student body at local high schools, the community will be able to hear his message on Thursday, June 11th at 7:00 p.m. at A. B. Lucas Secondary School in London. Sports teams are encouraged to attend this [...]

2009-06-08T09:56:52-07:00June, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

VELscope named one of top 100 products

Source: www.oralhealthjournal.com Author: press release LED Dental Inc. announced today that its VELscope system was named one of Top 100 Products of 2009 by Dentistry Today. Ralph Green, D.D.S., M.B.A., president and CEO of LED Dental's parent, LED Medical Diagnostics, said, “When you consider that there are over 50,000 products in the dental industry, to be named one of the top 100 products for three consecutive years is quite an honor." Since its introduction, over 4,500 systems have been sold worldwide, and over 4.5 million VELscope examinations have been conducted. LED Dental estimates that over 3 million examinations will be conducted in 2009 alone. The tissue fluorescence visualization technology platform on which the VELscope system is based is the culmination of over $50 million in research funded by the National Institutes of Health and other respected institutions and conducted by such leading organizations as the British Columbia Cancer Agency and the University of Texas's M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. The VELscope system also helps clinicians discover precancerous lesions and many other types of oral mucosal abnormalities. Independent surveys of dental practices using the VELscope system indicate extremely high satisfaction among clinicians and patients alike. Clinicians report satisfaction levels of 90% and higher for the VELscope system’s ability to detect lesions that otherwise would have been missed, for ease of incorporation into the practice, and for patient comfort and convenience. Surveys also indicate that VELscope exams take only 2-to-3 minutes, and that patients appreciate the fact that no distasteful rinses or messy [...]

Cancer more deadly for blacks

Source: www.postandcourier.com Author: Yvonne Wenger Jim Etheredge got his wake-up call in 1979. He wants yours to come today: Blacks in South Carolina who are diagnosed with prostate, oral or female breast cancer die from the diseases at nearly twice the rate of whites. Researchers at the University of South Carolina revealed the findings of the groundbreaking study Tuesday, but it's old news to Etheredge, an African-American who lost his parents to cancer 30 years ago. His parents saw their country doctor in rural Leesburg only if they were feeling sick, so by the time they were diagnosed with cancer, the disease was ready to claim their lives, Etheredge said. Although the study may seem to send a dismal message, Etheredge said it is laced with good news. "You don't have to die from cancer any more," he said. Etheredge works as coordinator for the cancer disparities program at the Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina. He said turning around the findings of the study begins with men and women in the community relying on the resources that are available to help. James Herbert, the study's lead author and a professor at USC's Arnold School of Public Health, said the findings don't provide any answers for the disparity. Continued research and community participation are necessary to saving lives, he said. Herbert is seeking grants to continue the work. "What this is telling us is, after you've had a cancer diagnosis, if you're black and you live [...]

Tobacco Regulation Bill Advances In Senate Test Vote

Source: CNNMoney Author: Patrick Yoest WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The U.S. Senate took a step forward Tuesday toward debate of a bill that would give the Food and Drug Administration authority to regulate tobacco, as senators showed strong support for the measure in a procedural vote. The Senate voted 84-11 to limit debate on whether to consider the tobacco bill. Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., an outspoken opponent of the bill, is expected to pull out the stops by forcing numerous procedural votes on the bill. The bill, introduced by Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., would give the FDA limited authority to monitor smoking products. It would impose strict controls on advertising that restrict ads to black and white, and stop the use of terms " mild" and "low tar." A similar bill passed the House in April. The Senate is unlikely to debate amendments to the bill until later this week. Burr said Tuesday he wants to introduce an alternative to the bill that would create a new agency within the Health and Human Services Department to regulate tobacco. Burr said he hopes to stretch debate into next week on the tobacco regulation measure. Tobacco producers have a large presence in North Carolina, Burr's home state. Reynolds American Inc.(RAI) and Lorillard Inc. (LO), two leading tobacco companies, are based in North Carolina. Sen. Kay Hagan, D-N.C., is also opposed to the tobacco regulation legislation in the Senate. But Altria Group, Inc. (MO), the parent company of tobacco producer Philip Morris USA, announced its support in March for the House bill allowing FDA regulation of tobacco. [...]

2009-06-03T10:21:41-07:00June, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

Career choice determines cancer risk, study finds

Source: www.yle.fi Author: staff A new study shows that cancer risk could depend on a person’s job description. A recently released Nordic study shows how different careers contribute to different forms and incident rates of cancer. Lifestyle factors that are linked to specific careers are often a major influence on who gets cancer and who does not. For example the study found that male bar workers had the highest incidents of developing cancer. Workers in the restaurant and bar industry were most likely to get cancer of the larynx, mouth, tongue, liver, lung, urinary tract and colon. It is more acceptable for workers to smoke and drink alcohol at a bar or restaurant than for example at a school, the study found. The study found that tobacco, asbestos and alcohol – especially in combination with each other – are the biggest cancer-causing factors. Male plumbers who have been exposed to asbestos have a 20 percent higher risk of developing some form of cancer than, for example, farmers. Lung cancer is six times more common in women who work as machine operator compared with their female farming counterparts. Incidents of breast cancer are highest among women who go through long years of education to reach career goals. For example, many female doctors and dentists wait longer than other groups before having children, which itself raises the risk of breast cancer. Not only workers at risk But it is not merely the employed and educated that see an increased risk. Unemployed men [...]

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