Assessing oral cancer early detection: clarifying dentists’ practices

Source: J Public Health Dent, September 17, 2009 Authors: Charles W Lehew, Joel B Epstein, Linda M Kaste, and Young-Ku Choi Abstract Objective: This study explores new methods for assessing in greater detail what dentists do when they perform oral cancer early detection examinations. It clarifies practice behaviors and opens opportunities to identify factors that facilitate thorough early detection examinations by clinicians and to assess the relative effectiveness of different examination procedures. Methods: A 38-item survey instrument was e-mailed to dentists in a western US, multistate dental practice group. Questionnaires were received by 241 dentists, and 102 responded. An Oral Cancer Knowledge scale (0 to 14) was generated from correct responses on oral cancer general knowledge. An Oral Cancer Examination Thoroughness scale was calculated from the two dimensions of reported usage and frequency of procedures in oral cancer examinations. Results: Nearly all responding dentists were in general practice (90%), with a median year of graduation from dental school of 1994. The Oral Cancer Knowledge scores ranged from 5 to 14 with a mean of 10.4. The mean Thoroughness of Examination score was 11.34 (range 0 to 20). The two scales were not statistically correlated (r = -0.015, P = 0.883). Statistically, recency of continuing education was significantly associated with knowledge (P = 0.0284) and appears to be marginally associated with thoroughness (P = 0.075). Conclusions: This study documents considerable variability in dentists' knowledge and thoroughness of examinations. The scales provide tools for future studies for improving understanding of early detection [...]

The influence of patient education by the dental hygienist: acceptance of the fluorescence oral cancer exam

Source: J Dent Hyg, June 1, 2009; 83(3): 134-40 Author: M Paulis Purpose: Oral cancer frequently goes undetected in its early and most curable stages because no clinical signs or symptoms usually exist. This study assessed the effect patient education had on the patient's decision to accept or refuse a fluorescence oral cancer examination. Methods: Along with providing a routine clinical and white light oral cancer exam, a Visually Enhanced Lesion Scope (VELscope) was used to evaluate the patient's oral cavity. After gaining written consent, 100 patients at a university dental hygiene clinic were provided a survey that evaluated their risk factors, opinions, and knowledge regarding oral cancer. Upon assessing the patient's willingness to receive a free oral fluorescence examination, the survey questioned if being charged a fee for the exam would serve as a deterrent to receiving it. Regardless of acceptance or refusal of the exam, the patient was educated, first by a brochure, and then by discussion with the researcher, about oral cancer. Results: Overall, 92% of participants agreed to pay a fee for the VELscope exam. Of those who initially refused the VELscope exam, 78% agreed to the exam after being educated about oral cancer. Patients were very appreciative of both the education and technology offered to them. Conclusions: Dental professionals have a responsibility to educate their patients about oral cancer in order to enable them to make informed decisions about their oral and overall health. Additionally, patient education has a significant impact on patient acceptance of [...]

Candidiasis: new agents for invasive infections

Source: Author: Carl Sherman Infection with the ubiquitous fungus Candida cuts across a broad spectrum of severity that ranges from common and superficial mucocutaneous variants to invasive disease that can be life-threatening. The addition of important new antifungal agents to the candidiasis armamentarium has led the Infectious Diseases Society of America to issue updated Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Candidiasis to replace the 2004 version. These agents—the echinocandins caspofungin, anidulafungin, and micafungin—are essentially reserved for candidemia and other invasive forms of candidiasis. The Guidelines also incorporate new data on the treatment of mucocutaneous disease and on the prevention of invasive disease in high-risk patients. Office-based primary-care providers “probably see [relatively benign] aspects of candidiasis most often: oropharyngeal infection (thrush) and vaginitis. They will see Candida in urine, where the question is whether it is causing infection or just hanging out,” says Carol A. Kauffman, MD, professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, chief of infectious diseases in the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, and an author of the Guidelines. Candidemia and other forms of invasive candidiasis are generally encountered in the hospital setting (candidemia is the fourth most common nosocomial bloodstream infection in the United States) but may develop in community-dwelling patients as well (e.g., those who are leukemic, have an indwelling catheter, are on dialysis, or are receiving cancer chemotherapy via a port or central line), according to Dr. Kauffman. Muccocutaneous Candidiasis: Oropharyngeal infection, when mild, is best treated topically, with [...]

Surgeon struck off for faking patient’s medical records after failing to spot she had cancer

Source: Author: staff A top surgeon has been banned from practising after he faked a patient's records when he failed to spot a fatal throat cancer. Mohamed Bahaa Madkour admitted to having got things 'catastrophically wrong' after he lied on a patient's notes, claiming he'd sent her for MRI and CT scans, a General Medical Council hearing found. The ear, nose and throat consultant, who had treated hundreds of patients over a 20-year period at Ysbyty Gwynedd Hospital in Wales, even told the patient's GP that he had sent her for tests when he hadn't. It wasn't until five months later, that the woman, a heavy smoker who had been suffering paralysis of her vocal cords, nose bleeds and a sore throat, was referred to Mr Madkour a second time. She was eventually diagnosed with cancer, after an MRI scan revealed a large tumour in her throat. The woman, known only as Patient A, has since died. Yesterday Mr Madkour, of Llanfairpwll, was stuck off the medical register for dishonesty. The GMC panel said it was the only way to protect public safety, and preserve confidence in the medical profession. The hearing heard how Patient A was sent home from Dr Madkour's clinic in October 2006 'without proper exploration' of her throat condition and without MRI or CT scans. The specialist then wrote to the woman's GP claiming he'd sent her for urgent MRI and CT scans. The panel, which reviewed the case over seven days in Manchester, also [...]

Evaluation of parotid gland function following intensity modulated radiation therapy for head and neck cancer

Source: Cancer Res Treat, April 1, 2006; 38(2): 84-91 Authors: SH Lee et al. Purpose: This study was undertaken to determine the parotid gland tolerance dose levels following intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for treating patients who suffered with head and neck cancer. Materials and Methods: From February 2003 through June 2004, 34 head and neck patients with 6 months of follow-up were evaluated for xerostomia after being treated by IMRT. Their median age was 59 years (range: 29~78). Xerostomia was assessed using a 4-question xerostomia questionnaire score (XQS) and a test for the salivary flow rates (unstimulated and stimulated: USFR and SSFR, respectively). The patients were also given a validated LENT SOMA scale (LSS) questionnaire. Evaluations were performed before IMRT and at 1, 3 and 6 months after IMRT. Results: All 34 patients showed significant changes in the XQS, LSS and Salivary Flow rates (USFR and SSFR) after IMRT. No significant changes in the XQS or LSS were noted in 12 patients who received a total parotid mean dose of 3,100 cGy, significant increases in the XQS and LSS were observed. The USFR and SSFR from the parotid glands in 7 patients who received 2,750 cGy were significantly lower than the baseline values at all times after IMRT. Conclusion: We suggest that the total parotid mean dose should be limited to

2009-09-29T21:26:45-07:00September, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

IsoRay announces Cornell Medical Center adopts Cesium-131 to treat head and neck cancer

Source: Author: press release IsoRay, Inc. (Amex: ISR) announced today that on August 5, 2009, Dr. Bhupesh Parashar from the Department of Radiation Oncology, Dr. David Kutler of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, and Dr. Jason Spector of the Department of Plastic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical Center performed the world’s first Cesium-131 implant for a recurrent head and neck cancer (buccal mucosa). The implant was performed using Vicryl®-embedded seeds on a 66-year-old patient who had received a full course of radiation to the head and neck several years ago. Cesium-131 was chosen for its short half-life and the higher dose rate. The patient tolerated the implant procedure well, and has had no adverse effects that can be attributed to the use of Cs-131 seeds. There is no evidence of cancer recurrence to date. Dr. Parashar stated, “We are very pleased to date with this patient’s progress. Having Cs-131 with its combination of short half-life and high energy gave us another option for treating this patient’s recurring buccal mucosa cancer.” Dr. Dattatreyudu Nori, the Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Weill Cornell Medical Center, and a pioneer in the field of brachytherapy, performed some of the initial Cesium-131 prostate implants in 2005. Until now clinical experience with Cesium-131 has been focused on prostate cancer and ocular melanoma. However, Cesium-131 has been cleared by the FDA for use in the treatment of malignant disease (e.g., prostate, ocular melanoma, head and neck, lung, brain, breast, etc.) and may be used [...]

2009-09-29T04:12:27-07:00September, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

Tips on managing the rash associated with EGFR inhibitors

Source: OncologySTAT ( Author: OncologySTAT Editorial Team Nurses at Duke University Hospital in Durham, NC, have developed a treatment algorithm for the rash that frequently occurs with use of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors. “We want to help sustain patients so they can continue to get their therapy and maintain their quality of life,” Kimberly Bishop, RN, BSN, OCN, said at the Oncology Nursing Society 34th Annual Congress. For mild rash that doesn’t affect activities of daily living or quality of life, the algorithm recommends a topical cream—hydrocortisone and/or clindamycin or metronidazole. “At our institution, we use MetroCream [metronidazole cream] as our primary topical agent,” Ms. Bishop said. For moderate rash, an oral antibiotic is added, most commonly doxycycline 100 mg twice daily. “We reassess [patients] every 2 weeks to see what the rash looks like, and encourage patients to call to let us know if there is a change in the rash,” she said. Ms. Bishop described the rash as very red, often starting as a macular reaction and progressing to a pustular abscess-like rash that becomes ulcerated. “The rash itself is not infectious but can lead to a secondary superinfection from scratching. That’s why antibiotic therapy is important,” she said. For severe rash, the recommendation is to hold the EGFR inhibitor therapy and reassess within 1 to 2 weeks, continue with the antibiotic, and also add a Medrol Dosepak (oral methylprednisolone packaged to provide a tapering dose). Ms. Bishop warned that “any time you put steroid cream [...]

2009-09-28T03:53:00-07:00September, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

Brave dad has face rebuilt with bones from own body following cancer fight

Source: Author: Dad Tim Gallego feels like a new man after having his face rebuilt from different parts of his body. Financial adviser Tim, 46, had 16 operations to reshape his face after he was hit with disfiguring mouth cancer. Bones from his ribs and hips were used to form a new nose and jaw. Arteries from his legs were moved to his neck and skin from his wrists was grafted on to his lower face. The father of three joked yesterday: “I seem to be running out of a supply of body parts. And because of the changes people I know don’t recognise me. “They just look at me and wonder what happened but the only people who actually come forward to to ask are young children.” Tim, supported by wife Katie, has now made a full recovery after his eight-year ordeal. He was unable to talk for a year and could not eat or drink for two weeks after one operation. He was first diagnosed when he went to his doctor with sinus problems. Tests revealed he had a large tumour behind his nose. He underwent a 21-hour operation and his head ballooned to the size of a basketball. Months of radiotherapy followed before he started the long process of rebuilding his face bit by bit. And within a week of being diagnosed Katie found out she was pregnant with their first child, Imogen. Tim, from Poundbury, Dorset, said: “I looked like a monster but I’ve always been positive and [...]

2009-09-28T03:50:33-07:00September, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

Speaking and swallowing seems to be possible post tonsil cancer surgery

Source: Author: staff Cancer of the tonsil is said to be one among the head and neck cancers. It apparently develops in the part of the throat just behind your mouth, called the oropharynx. Smoking and consuming alcohol may increase the risk for tonsil cancer. After a tonsil cancer surgery, it is believed that patients cannot speak or eat properly. But a new method for reconstructing the palate post surgery for tonsil cancer apparently preserved the capability of the patients to speak clearly and devour majority of the foods. This technique was developed at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. Tonsil cancer apparently develops in the back of the throat, which could mean that surgery could contain parts of the palate, the tongue and the jaw. In conventional reconstruction efforts, a huge round piece of tissue was apparently taken to plug the hole left when the tumor is supposedly detached. But this apparently damages the way the palate and tongue function, and may not reinstate the intricate mechanism of the throat that may enable an individual to speak and swallow. Study author Douglas Chepeha, M.D., M.S.P.H., associate professor of otolaryngology head and neck surgery and director of the microvascular program at the University of Michigan Health System, commented, “This is the area that triggers swallowing, that separates the mouth from the nasal cavity. It affects speech and eating – typically, patients have difficulty eating when they have this kind of tumor and undergo surgery. We can remove the [...]

2009-09-27T18:21:04-07:00September, 2009|Oral Cancer News|

Lilly Erbitux cancer drug not worth price, U.S. scientists say

Source: Author: Lisa Rapaport Eli Lilly & Co.’s tumor-fighter Erbitux doesn’t prolong lung cancer patients’ lives enough to justify its $80,000 cost, U.S. scientists said in commentary published today. Erbitux added to other cancer drugs extends survival about 1.2 months more than chemotherapy alone, making the price too high for a “marginal benefit,” commentary in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute said. Erbitux, which Lilly markets with Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., generated $1.3 billion last year as treatment approved for other malignancies. The high price of some of the newest cancer medicines are coming under scrutiny as part of an effort by lawmakers and health officials to rein in overall medical costs. President Barack Obama has set aside $1.1 billion in the U.S. economic stimulus bill to study the comparative effectiveness of treatments for cancer and other diseases. “We must avoid the temptation to tell a patient that a new drug is available if there is little evidence that it will work better than established drugs that could be offered at a miniscule fraction of the cost,” wrote the commentators, Tito Fojo with the National Cancer Institute and Christine Grady at the National Institutes of Health. Lilly, of Indianapolis, and marketing partner Bristol- Myers, of New York, withdrew an application to extend the Erbitux’s use to lung tumors in February after the Food and Drug Administration questioned differences in American and European versions of the treatment. $10,000 a Month The authors projected that Erbitux costs $80,000 based on a [...]

2009-09-27T11:35:34-07:00September, 2009|Oral Cancer News|
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