Robotic surgery for oral cancer

Source: Author: Advance, Vol 20, Issue 2 A minimally invasive surgical approach to treat benign tumors and select malignant tumors in adults has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The da Vinci Surgical System, developed by head and neck surgeons at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, in Philadelphia, has been cleared for transoral otolaryngologic surgical procedures. Gregory Weinstein, MD, FACS, and Bert O'Malley, Jr., MD, founded the first TransOral Robotic Surgery (TORS) program in the world at Penn Medicine in 2004. They developed and researched the TORS approach for a variety of robotic surgical neck approaches for both malignant and benign tumors of the mouth, larynx, tonsil, tongue, and other parts of the throat. Since 2005, approximately 350 patients at Penn have participated in the first prospective clinical trials of TORS. The trials compromise the largest and most comprehensive studies of the technology on record. "TORS has dramatically improved the way we treat head and neck cancer patients, completely removing tumors while preserving speech, swallowing, and other key quality-of-life issues," said Dr. O'Malley, chair of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Penn Medicine. "It is very exciting that a concept conceived and tested at PENN and taught to surgeons and institutions within the U.S. and internationally has been officially recognized by our federal governing agencies and peers around the world as a new and improved therapy for select neck cancers and all benign tumors." As many as 45,000 Americans and approximately [...]

Fluorescent probe for oral cancer

Source: Author: UC Davis Approximately 43,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with tumors of the mouth, pharynx and larynx each year. The main risk factor is smoking, but a recent rise in cases has been linked to human papillomavirus. Most cases are not diagnosed until the cancer has reached an advanced stage. "There's a lot out there about breast, prostate and brain cancer, but people are not so aware about oral cancer and its devastating consequences," said Laura Marcu, a professor of biomedical engineering at UC Davis. "People don't think to look for it, and there isn't any routine screening." Marcu's laboratory collaborated with Dr. Gregory Farwell's group in the Department of Otolaryngology at the UC Davis Cancer Center to develop the fiber-optic probe. The probe stimulates molecules in the patient's tissues with a laser. Some of these molecules naturally respond by re-emitting fluorescent light. The device rapidly detects and analyzes this light using a process called "time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy" (TR-LIFS), which provides information about the types of molecules present. During surgery, blood can distort the intensity of the fluorescence signal but not its duration. By using sensitive measurements of the change in fluorescence over time, surgeons can see the tumor margins even as they are cutting the tissue. Based on encouraging results in animal tests, Marcu and Farwell's team recruited nine human volunteers from among patients who arrived at the UC Davis Medical Center for surgical therapy of the mouth, throat and larynx. They compared readings from [...]

Prosthetics advancements giving some patients a new look on life

Source: Author: staff Doctors call it a cancer you cannot hide -- head and neck cancer. South Carolina has one of the highest rates in the country, claiming ears, eyes, noses, and other parts of the face. What is cut away for the patient's life to be saved, often has horrific consequences, but a team at the Medical University of South Carolina is using science, art and medicine to help patients literally put a new face on their disease. Gary Reeves is a patient who has found new confidence with his prosthetic ear. The Conway minister shows no embarrassment when he pulls off his silicone prosthetic ear. It's part of his daily routine. His prosthesis was custom made for him at MUSC. Reeves was born without a right ear, although most often, ear patients come to the MUSC clinic following cancer. "It's silicone," said Reeves. His prosthesis was custom made for him at MUSC. He is willing to tell his story, to help the many people who suffer injuries to the face, or cancer. "I think head and neck cancer is the most devastating form of cancer," says Dr. Betsy K. Davis, "because it's the one form you cannot hide from society." Davis is the director of the Maxillofacial Prosthodontic Clinic at the Medical University of South Carolina. In fact, cancer brought Dawn Wright to the clinic. The woman from Pawley's Island lost her right eye to ocular melanoma in February of 2009. That meant she had to wear [...]

Cancer risk reduction study reports green tea extracts may protect against oral cancer

Source: Author: staff Over 50 per cent of participants in the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center study experienced a clinical response to the green tea extracts, according to findings published in Cancer Prevention Research. “While still very early, and not definitive proof that green tea is an effective preventive agent, these results certainly encourage more study for patients at highest risk for oral cancer,” explained the research team. “The extract’s lack of toxicity is very crucial in prevention trials. It’s very important to remember that these are otherwise healthy individuals and we need to ensure that agents studied produce no harm,” they added. Green tea contains between 30 and 40 per cent of water-extractable polyphenols, while black tea (green tea that has been oxidized by fermentation) contains between 3 and 10 per cent. Oolong tea is semi-fermented tea and is somewhere between green and black tea. The four primary polyphenols found in fresh tealeaves are epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epicatechin (EC). The study followed 41 people with oral leukoplakia, a condition is a sign of oral cancer risk. The participants were assigned to receive either placebo or green tea extract at one of three doses, including 500 milligrams or 1,000 mg three times a day. The researchers collected oral tissue biopsies, which they say was “essential in that it allowed us to learn that not only did the green tea extract appear to have benefit for some patients, but we pointed [...]

Human papillomavirus knowledge and vaccine acceptability among a national sample of heterosexual men

Source: Authors: Paul L Reiter, Noel T Brewer, & Jennifer S Smith Accepted 26 October 2009 Published Online First 30 November 2009 Abstract Objectives If approved for use in young males in the United States, prophylactic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may reduce the incidence of HPV-related disease in vaccinated males and their sexual partners. We aimed to characterise heterosexual men's willingness to get HPV vaccine and identify correlates of vaccine acceptability. Methods Participants were from a national sample of heterosexual men (n=297) aged 18–59 y from the United States who were interviewed in January 2009. We analysed data using multivariate logistic regression. Results Most men had not heard of HPV prior to the study or had low HPV knowledge (81%; 239/296). Most men had heard of HPV vaccine prior to the study (63%; 186/296) and 37% (109/296) were willing to get HPV vaccine. Men were more willing to get vaccinated if they reported higher perceived likelihood of getting HPV-related disease (OR 1.80, 95% CI 1.02 to 3.17), perceived HPV vaccine effectiveness (OR 1.86, 95% CI 1.22 to 2.83) or anticipated regret if they did not get vaccinated and an HPV infection later developed (OR 2.01, 95% CI 1.40 to 2.89). Acceptability was also higher among men who thought (OR 9.02, 95% CI 3.45 to 23.60) or who were unsure (OR 2.67, 95% CI 1.30 to 5.47) if their doctor would recommend they get HPV vaccine if licenced for males. Conclusions Men had low HPV knowledge and were moderately willing to get [...]

2010-05-06T15:07:58-07:00May, 2010|Oral Cancer News|

Boot scootin’ for oral cancer screening…again!

Source: The Oral Cancer Foundation Author: John Pohl Nashville Hygienists Walk to Promote Oral Cancer Detection For the second straight year, the Nashville Area Dental Hygienists’ Society (NADHS) has organized a successful walk to raise both oral cancer awareness and funding for the Oral Cancer Foundation.  Despite grey skies and cold temperatures, the $7,700 raised by “Boot Scootin’ for Oral Cancer Screening II” represented more than a 20% increase over the inaugural event’s results. The walk took place took place the morning of Saturday, March 13 at Nashville’s Centennial Park.  Outgoing NADHS president Nicki Raines, who had convinced the organization to embrace the cause of oral cancer detection when she began her two-year presidential term, and her 6-person committee worked countless hours to ensure that the event would top last year’s efforts.  Before the walk, participants were treated to three inspiring speakers.  Two are oral cancer survivors:  Kathi Gill, a Georgia resident who attended but did not speak at the 2009 walk, and ShayLynn Grant, a 24-year-old from Kentucky.  The third speaker was Cydney Miller, Mrs. Tennessee International, who is a staunch advocate of early cancer detection. As with last year’s event, Nashville area merchants outdid themselves with their display of southern hospitality.  Auction and raffle items donated include bags of groceries from Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, gift cards from Wal-Mart, fine wines from anonymous donors, and autographed memorabilia by such Nashville area superstars as George Strait, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, and Brooks and Dunn (whose “Boot Scoot Boogie” [...]

2010-05-09T09:57:11-07:00May, 2010|OCF In The News, Oral Cancer News|

The little town that could!

Source: The Oral Cancer Foundation Author: John Pohl Rossville, Indiana Delivers Big Results With Oral Cancer Walk Don’t tell Kelly Hodson and Shana Frey that a town with a population of 1,513 is too small for an oral cancer walk.  The Oral Cancer Foundation certainly won’t. Kelly is a certified dental assistant and Shana a registered dental hygienist for Rossville Family Dentistry, the best—and only—dental practice in Rossville, Indiana.  The practice is owned by a mother-and-daughter team:  mom Dr. Alice Sue Green has been practicing for almost 40 years, while daughter Dr. Jennifer Green-Springer has been at it for 11 years.  The practice’s all-femaie staff understandably has a soft spot for women’s health issues. About a year ago, after participating in breast cancer walks in Indianapolis and Lafayette, Kelly and Shana decided to organize their own cancer walk.  Given that they work as dental professionals, it seemed natural to them that oral cancer would be the cause they would target.  So Kelly started surfing online and quickly discovered the Oral Cancer Foundation.  Soon thereafter, she was in touch with Susan Lauria, the Foundation’s New Jersey-based Event Coordinator. As Kelly put it, “I had lots of questions, and Susan had all the answers.” To promote the event, Susan advised Kelly and Shana to send letters and posters to dental practices in Lafayette and other nearby towns, and to contact newspapers and radio stations in those areas as well.  They also relied heavily on word-of-mouth support.  And support is exactly what they [...]

2010-05-09T09:57:36-07:00May, 2010|OCF In The News, Oral Cancer News|

No choo choo needed–Chattanooga walks for oral cancer

Source: The Oral Cancer Foundation Author: John Pohl Chattanooga Walk  Promotes Early Detection of Oral Cancer! Chattanooga, Tennessee derives its name from a Cherokee word that means “big catch” and refers to the great fishing that can be found on the Tennessee River.  And “big catch” is exactly what the cause of oral cancer detection has landed in the way of Jeanna Richelson, a very determined Chattanooga-based engineer and oral cancer survivor who is very clearly on a mission. On Saturday, April 10, Jeanna organized the First Annual Chattanooga Oral Cancer Awareness Walk, which raised over $18,000 for the Oral Cancer Foundation.  According to Foundation founder and executive director Brian Hill, “I don’t believe there has ever been an oral cancer walk that was this successful in its first year.  This was an absolutely amazing effort by Jeanna.” Less than one year ago, it dawned on Jeanna that while other types of cancer had support groups, there was no support group for oral cancer in the Chattanooga area.  Not one to sit around and wait for things to happen, Jeanna let local hospitals and media know that she was starting such a group.  Only one other person attended the group’s first meeting in 2009.  Fortunately, word soon started to spread, and today the group numbers 20 members.  One of these members is Kathi Gill, who lives just across the Tennessee-Georgia border and who had attended an oral cancer walk in Nashville in 2009.  Last fall, Kathi suggested that the group [...]

2010-05-09T09:58:17-07:00May, 2010|OCF In The News, Oral Cancer News|

Oral cancer failed to silence Sen. Diane Allen

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer Author: Cynthia Burton As Diane Allen lay on a gurney at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, she knew she had to learn to let go. She had found the right doctor, the right hospital. She told relatives and close friends she was about to undergo surgery for an aggressive form of oral cancer. Part of her tongue and part of the floor of her mouth were to be removed in that November surgery. Her doctors had told her she probably would never speak normally again. So, the woman who had made a living talking - as a television news reporter and anchor in Philadelphia and Chicago and most recently as a Republican New Jersey state senator - probably would lose one of her greatest assets. But that's not what made her tear up the most as she recently recalled her feelings over the last few months. The hardest part was the thought of never again being able to read to her three grandchildren. She tried to take control of that, too. She recorded CDs for them, reading Goodnight Moon and "A Visit From St. Nicholas." Everything she could control was under control. And then, as she lay on the gurney, she gave up control. She felt a sense of calm. Allen, a Quaker, said, "I learned submission for the first time in my life, to rest in the Lord." She woke up able to speak, not well, but people could understand her. After months of [...]

2010-05-04T20:45:10-07:00May, 2010|Oral Cancer News|

Integration of epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors with preoperative chemoradiation

Source: Clincancerres Author: Annelies Debucquoy1, Jean-Pascal Machiels2, William H. McBride3, and Karin Haustermans1 Corresponding Author: Annelies Debucquoy, Laboratory of Experimental Radiotherapy, Department of Radiation Oncology, CDG Building, Box 815, UH Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. Phone: 32-16-346900; Fax: 32-16-346905; E-mail:[email protected]. Abstract In many different cancer cell types, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway becomes hyperactivated because of overproduction of the ligand, overproduction of the receptor, or constitutive activation of the receptor. The overproduction of EGFR and its ligands correlates with poor prognosis in several solid tumors such as lung, colon, and ovary. These observations led to the development of EGFR inhibitors for anticancer treatment. In the last few years, promising results have been obtained in several tumor types, with EGFR inhibitors given as monotherapy or in combined treatments. In particular, cetuximab in combination with curative-intent radiotherapy in head and neck cancer increases median survival over radiation alone. Similarly, the same approach might benefit patients with locally advanced rectal cancer. Unfortunately, the first clinical studies combining chemoradiation with cetuximab in rectal cancer gave disappointing results. Translational research suggested that the low response rate observed might have been due to the strong antiproliferative effect of cetuximab that may have compromised the activity of chemotherapeutics that target proliferating cells. This result indicates the need for more translational research to unravel how the molecular mechanisms might be manipulated to optimize the combined treatment regimen and to identify biomarkers that can select those patients who will derive most benefit. Clin Cancer Res; 16(10); OF1–6. ©2010 AACR. [...]

2010-05-03T18:01:14-07:00May, 2010|Oral Cancer News|
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