‘I like my odds’ against cancer, Michael Douglas says
By Donna Freydkin Source:USA TODAY NEW YORK— They don'tmake'em like Michael Douglas anymore. In this age of crass reality upstarts and pampered starlets, he's a movie star of the old school. And even in his third week of grueling radiation treatments for Stage IV throat cancer, Douglas is a gentleman first, making sure a guest is comfortable on the green sofa in his family room and apologizing repeatedly for being a little off his game after a particularly brutal radiation session this morning. He hasn't pondered the meaning of life yet, or gone on any soul-searching journeys to faraway lands. "I like my odds. I'm not dealing with mortality issues until they tell me, 'Oops, we have to go back and do surgery' or something like that," Douglas says. "The tumor is shrinking. The odds are good." He pauses a beat, smiles, and takes a sip of the aloe-infused water he's drinking to soothe his throat. "I haven't found God yet." There's no woe-is-me self-pity as Douglas manages to poke fun at his condition. "There's never a really great time for cancer, but this is one for the books," he cracks. "Actually I was doing really good, but today has not been great." It has been a doozy of a year for Douglas, 65, full of highs and staggering lows. After little-seen turns in 2009's Ghosts of Girlfriends Past and 2007's King of California, he earned positive reviews for playing a sleazy seducer in this year's intimate drama Solitary Man. [...]