HPV link comes as a shock to male cancer patients

By ANIKA CLARK Stanley Sikora of Fall River and Tom Souza of Swansea clearly remember when they started their battles with cancer — life-changing moments while raking leaves or shaving, when they touched their necks and felt a lump. It's a common experience thanks to a disease that, between the suffering of friends, families and ourselves, has become nearly universal. But then came news neither expected. Tumors from both men tested positive for human papillomavirus, an often sexually transmitted virus that is increasingly being linked to cancers of the head and neck. At Massachusetts General Hospital's Center for Head and Neck Cancers, "it's something that we see practically on a daily basis," said Dr. Lori Wirth, medical director for head and neck oncology, who said in an email that, although there are not-fully-understood co-factors, there's strong data that about 60-65 percent of all cancers of the oropharynx (the rear of the mouth, including the back of the throat, tonsils and the base of the tongue) are HPV-related. "Our awareness that HPV is associated with oropharynx cancers is something that has been emerging over the last 5-10 years," she said. "Ten years ago, we didn't even look for (it)." Upon learning of his HPV diagnosis, "I honestly felt creepy about myself," said Sikora, 59, albeit somewhat reassured when he found out how easily it's transmitted. "Already I was shocked that I got cancer. Now it's from HPV," he said. "So I'm thinking 'I can't be going around telling people I got [...]

We owe it to our sons to protect them against human papilloma virus – the new oral cancer peril

The seemingly unstoppable rise of throat and mouth cancers over the past two decades has left experts baffled and deeply concerned. These are truly horrible diseases. More than 15,000 new patients are diagnosed each year in Britain alone and almost 8,000 die from the most common type, cancer of the oesophagus. Two-thirds of sufferers are men. And those that survive are often left horrifically disfigured by aggressive radiotherapy and surgery. Most worryingly, numbers of new cases have doubled since 1989. We used to think most oral and throat cancers  -  which also include laryngeal (voice box), tracheal (windpipe) and oropharyngeal (soft-palate) tumours  -  were due to a lifetime of smoking and heavy alcohol consumption, and only really occurred in old age. But as health messages hit home, numbers of smokers and drinkers dropped, fewer older men and women developed these cancers and a new group of patients  -  middle-class, middle-aged men who drank moderately and had never smoked  -  emerged. This was a surprise. Small studies, in which tumours were analysed, indicated a new culprit: the human papilloma virus (HPV), the same virus that we knew was the cause of cervical cancer in women. For years there have been whisperings among oncologists that this could become one of the most significant cancer challenges of the 21st Century. And six weeks ago, evidence published by two American universities showed that these fears were becoming a reality. Researchers found that about half of the male population carried some form of HPV; that every year [...]

HPV type-specific prevalence using a urine assay in unvaccinated male and female 11- to 18-year olds in Scotland

Source: British Journal of Cancer Background: We conducted a baseline prevalence survey of unvaccinated 11- to 18-year olds to inform effectiveness studies for the new human papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation programme in Scotland. Methods: Participants were recruited from schools and colleges and invited to provide demographic data and an anonymous urine sample for type-specific HPV testing. Results: Among females aged 11–14 years, the weighted prevalence was 1.1% overall; 0.9% for high-risk types and no infections were associated with types 16 and 18. Among 15- to 18-year old females, the weighted prevalence was 15.2% overall; 12.6% for high-risk types and 6.5% for types 16 and 18. Among females aged 16–18 years, infection was more frequently associated with attending college and rural schools, and showed a trend towards increasing prevalence with increasing social deprivation (P=0.045). Among males aged 11–14 years, the weighted prevalence was 1.4% overall; 1.0% for high-risk types and 0.7% for types 16 and 18. Among 15- to 18-year old males, the weighted prevalence was 3.9% overall; 2.4% for high-risk types and 0.7% for types 16 and 18. Conclusions: Human Papillomavirus prevalence is low among 11- to 14-year olds, which includes the age group targeted for routine vaccination. The prevalence in males and correlation with deprivation require further investigation.

Study Finds Few Second Cancers Attributable to Radiotherapy

Elsevier Global Medical News Author: MA Moon It appears that only 8% of second solid cancers can be attributed to radiotherapy for a first cancer, according to a report published online March 30 in the Lancet. This figure varies somewhat according to the site of the first solid tumor, with the lowest attributable risk (4%) in cancers of the eye or orbit and the highest attributable risk (24%) in cancers of the testes. Given that only a small proportion of second cancers among adult survivors are likely to be related to radiotherapy, it follows that most second cancers arise from other causes, such as genetics or lifestyle factors, said Amy Berrington de Gonzalez, D.Phil., of the National Cancer Institute, and her associates. "These findings can be used by physicians and patients to put the risk of radiation-related cancer into perspective when compared with the probable benefits of treatment," the researchers noted. Many studies have shown an association between receiving radiotherapy for a first solid tumor and subsequently developing a second solid tumor. However, the proportion of second cancers that might be related to radiotherapy has not been investigated before, they said. Dr. Berrington de Gonzalez and her colleagues used data from the U.S. SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results) cancer registry to perform "a comprehensive and systematic analysis of all first solid cancer sites in adults that are routinely treated with radiotherapy." They included 647,672 patients who were 5-year cancer survivors and were aged 20 years and older when they were diagnosed with a first primary invasive solid cancer in 1973-2002. The participants were followed for 5-34 years (mean follow-up, [...]

Vandetanib Restores Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells’ Sensitivity to Cisplatin and Radiation In Vivo and In Vitro

Abstract Purpose: We investigated whether vandetanib, an inhibitor of the tyrosine kinase activities of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR-2), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and rearranged during transfection (RET), could augment the antitumor activity of radiation with or without cisplatin in preclinical in vitro and in vivo models of human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Experimental Design: OSC-19 and HN5 HNSCC cells that were cisplatin and radioresistant were treated with vandetanib, cisplatin, and radiation alone or in combination in vitro and in vivo using an orthotopic nude mouse model. Treatment effects were assessed using clonogenic survival assay, tumor volume, bioluminescence imaging, tumor growth delay, survival, microvessel density, tumor and endothelial cell apoptosis, and EGFR and Akt phosphorylation data. Results: Vandetanib plus cisplatin radiosensitized HNSCC cells in vitro and in vivo. The combination treatment with vandetanib, cisplatin, and radiation was superior to the rest of treatments (including the double combinations) in antitumoral effects, prolonging survival, decreasing cervical lymph node metastases in vivo. It also increased both tumor and tumor-associated endothelial cell apoptosis and decreased microvessel density in vivo. An analysis of tumor growth delay data revealed that vandetanib plus cisplatin enhanced radioresponse in vivo. All vandetanib-containing treatments inhibited EGFR and Akt phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. Conclusion: The addition of vandetanib to combination therapy with cisplatin and radiation was able to effectively overcome cisplatin and radioresistance in in vitro and in vivo models of HNSCC. Further study of this regimen in clinical trials may be warranted. Clin [...]

Multivitamins Don’t Lower Cancer and Cardiovascular Risk

Source: MedScape Today By: Leigh Krietsch Boerner Will taking multivitamins protect you from dying of cancer or cardiovascular disease? The answer is no, according to new research published online February 22 in the American Journal of Epidemiology. In a study of more than 180,000 people, researchers saw the same number of deaths from cancer and heart disease among multivitamin-takers and those who didn't take the supplements. "People need to understand that just taking these multivitamins is not sufficient to prevent disease," said Dr. Jennifer Hsiang-Ling Lin, of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, who didn't work on the study. Multiple past studies have shown no link between multivitamins and reduced risk of cancer or heart disease. Other recent research couldn't prove that multivitamins protect against diabetes, either. Some small studies in the past have shown that specific vitamins, not multivitamins, may be protective against heart disease or cancer later in life. However these studies looked at undernourished people, not generally healthy adults like the U.S. population, said co-author Dr. Song-Yi Park of the University of Hawaii Cancer Center in Honolulu. On its web site, the U.S. National Institutes of Health advises that doctors should prescribe multivitamins only "for patients who need extra vitamins, who cannot eat enough food to obtain the required vitamins, or who cannot receive the full benefit of the vitamins contained in the food they eat." But more than half of U.S. adults choose to take multivitamins, according to Dr. Lin. Altogether, Dr. Park's team looked at [...]

AAOMS Supports Goals of Oral Cancer Awareness Week

ROSEMONT, Ill., April 1, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The 2011 Oral Cancer Awareness Week, set for April 11-15, is intended to educate people of all ages and socio-economic levels about the risk factors and symptoms of oral, head and neck cancer and the importance of early detection. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) agrees with the Oral Cancer Foundation, which conceived the awareness week observance, that it is critical oral cancers receive the national media attention necessary to raise public awareness. The Oral Cancer Foundation points out that the high death rate traditionally associated with oral cancer is not because it is hard to discover or diagnose, but because the cancer has historically been discovered late in its development.  In its early stages, oral cancer may – and often does - go unnoticed because there are no blatant symptoms or pain.  This only underscores the importance of establishing a regimen to include regular self-examinations and examination by a dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon at least annually. The mouth is one of the easiest parts of your body to examine yourself. Also, changes in the mouth can be easily seen, so oral cancer can be detected in its early stages. The key to early detection is performing a self-examination regularly. Examining your mouth each month will help you identify changes or new growths early. And, early detection is important in increasing the chance of a cure. Factors That May Cause Cancer According to the National Institutes of Health, [...]

Skin from her arm gives woman a new tongue

Source: www.wptv.com Author: Amanda Kahan Getting her kids out the door, in the car, and to school is a daily mission for mom Lisa Bourdon-Krause. It's also one she doesn't take for granted. A few years ago, Lisa was diagnosed with tongue cancer. Doctors said surgery would mean removing half of Lisa's tongue. One of her doctors told her she might not ever talk again. At the time, Lisa's son was just two. She didn't know if he'd hear his mom's voice again, so she recorded herself. Thanks to surgeon, Douglas Chepeha, Lisa never had to give her son those recordings. In a 10-hour surgery, surgeons cut out the cancerous part of Lisa's tongue. Then, doctor Douglas Chepeha took skin from her own forearm and attached it to her tongue -- using a pattern as a guide. The result: A tongue that looked and felt much like the real thing. Lisa was able to talk a few days after her surgery. After a couple of weeks, she could eat. It was a relief -- but not the biggest one for Lisa. A mom who's grateful for every moment -- and every word she can speak. Background: According to the Mayo Clinic, tongue cancer is a serious type of head and neck cancer. It usually appears as squamous cells (a lump, white spot or ulcer) on the outer layer of the tongue. When it's caught early, tongue cancer is highly curable. When the cancer forms in the front two-thirds of the [...]

CEL-SCI gets Israeli nod to commence phase III trial of multikine in head and neck cancer

Source: www.pharmabiz.com Author: staff CEL-SCI Corporation announced that the State of Israel's Ministry of Health has given approval to begin enrolment of subjects for a phase III clinical trial of Multikine in Israel. Israel is one of nine countries to participate in this global phase III trial. The phase III trial will be conducted in approximately 48 clinical centres. CEL-SCI's partner Teva Pharmaceutical Industries will be conducting the trial at three clinical centers in Israel. The phase III trial started in the United States in late December 2010 and is expected to commence in other countries around the world within the next 30-60 days. Multikine is the company's flagship immuno-therapy developed as a first-line standard of care in treating head and neck cancer. CEL-SCI's phase III clinical trial is an open-label, randomized, controlled, multi-centre study designed to determine if Multikine administered prior to current standard of care (surgery plus radiotherapy or surgery plus concurrent chemo radiotherapy) in previously untreated subjects with Advanced Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity/Soft Palate (Head and Neck cancer) will result in an increased overall rate of survival, versus the subjects treated with standard of care only. CEL-SCI's 880 patient phase III trial is expected to be the largest clinical study of head and neck cancer ever conducted. It is also the first trial in which immunotherapy will be administered before any other traditional means of care are attempted. This is significant because conventional cancer therapy weakens the immune system and likely compromises the [...]

We owe it to our sons to protect them against human papilloma virus – the new oral cancer peril

Source: www.dailymail.co.uk Author: Professor Lawrence Young The seemingly unstoppable rise of throat and mouth cancers over the past two decades has left experts baffled and deeply concerned. These are truly horrible diseases. More than 15,000 new patients are diagnosed each year in Britain alone and almost 8,000 die from the most common type, cancer of the oesophagus. Two-thirds of sufferers are men. And those that survive are often left horrifically disfigured by aggressive radiotherapy and surgery. Most worryingly, numbers of new cases have doubled since 1989. We used to think most oral and throat cancers - which also include laryngeal (voice box), tracheal (windpipe) and oropharyngeal (soft-palate) tumours - were due to a lifetime of smoking and heavy alcohol consumption, and only really occurred in old age. But as health messages hit home, numbers of smokers and drinkers dropped, fewer older men and women developed these cancers and a new group of patients - middle-class, middle-aged men who drank moderately and had never smoked - emerged. This was a surprise. Small studies, in which tumours were analysed, indicated a new culprit: the human papilloma virus (HPV), the same virus that we knew was the cause of cervical cancer in women. For years there have been whisperings among oncologists that this could become one of the most significant cancer challenges of the 21st Century. And six weeks ago, evidence published by two American universities showed that these fears were becoming a reality. Researchers found that about half of the [...]

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