Overcoming the odds
12/25/2007 Regina,Saskatchewan,Canada Tim Switzer Regina Post Leader (www.canada.com/reginaleaderpost) "Live strong" is more than just a yellow bracelet on Dale Bloom's wrist. It's how the Regina man has been forced to approach his life for the last three years. Bloom was diagnosed with advanced stage oral cancer on Jan. 10, 2005. On Oct. 7 of this year, he finished the Chicago Marathon. "It's like night and day," said Bloom, 46. "I never gave up any hope. Even though the odds weren't that great -- I was told it was a one-in-three shot -- it never crossed my mind that I wasn't the one." As he stood among 44,999 other runners in the starting area of the marathon, Bloom's mind couldn't help but wander to the previous 21/2 years. "There were a lot of people that helped me get to that point," Bloom said, fighting back tears. "It was crazy, but that's who I thought about. I thought about my co-workers, who set up a dance card to each take an hour out of their schedules to come and sit with me at chemotherapy just to take my mind off things. I thought about my son's friends parents, who got together and all organized days of cooking where they brought us food each and every day. My sisters were there from beginning to end. In 2005, I lost my mother and in 2006, I lost my father so I thought about them a lot. "And then I thought about my wife and [...]