Laguna Beach, CA, October 08, 2010 — For cancer survivor Brian Siedlecki, doing something meaningful and important is a requirement. With a clean bill of health and a mission to create something that would give him total fulfillment, he launched, a virtual fine art gallery based in the beautiful community of Laguna Beach that sells juried original art and fine art prints.

“I want to make original fine art accessible to the millions of art collectors and buyers around the world who understand the effect art can have on one’s environment, emotions, perspective, and who appreciate those that have the talent to express themselves through their art,” said Siedlecki.

As a result of being diagnosed three and half years ago with oral cancer, Brian had to make a difficult choice and retire. The treatment impacted his ability to speak clearly, so when deciding what he would like to do next, he chose to merge his passion for art and his success in business to launch a virtual company, only represents a limited number of artists whose work must first be approved by a panel of professional artists and critics, ensuring only the highest quality for its customers. Artists must exhibit extraordinary technical skills, an authentic, distinctive style along with a unique and personal interpretation or point of view. is divided into three separate fine art “exhibits” – With one for Student artists, a second for Emerging artists, and a third for Professional artists, visitors are provided with the best quality original fine art and prints segmented by experience, skill level, and “artistic authenticity.”

This organized and professional virtual fine art gallery is a very comfortable environment for new collectors who can explore the artwork, review pricing, and even correspond directly with the artists, giving them even more access than they could have in a traditional gallery. With the 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, every customer is ensured the best collecting experience.

Brian’s story is one of survival and success that can provide hope to those with cancer, their care givers, and those who are directly impacted by it. While there are millions of cancer survivors, Brian has lived 54 years with cancer. With each of the cancers he has beaten in his life, each has forced him to adapt and refocus his “life strategy” to not only survive, but to thrive.

“Having cancer is a great motivator to do the things you like and to make the most of everyday”, he says. “I have always lived life with a sense of urgency, but now those feelings are heightened as I want to share all of the knowledge and experience I have acquired over the years to help artists market themselves online. My wish is that in doing so I can prove to all those currently fighting cancer that there is hope”.

He has never talked about his life long battle with cancer, but now he hopes that by sharing his story he might inspire and motivate others to take charge of their lives. He was born with a malignant tumor, fought Hodgkin’s disease as a young adult, and most recently survived a 14 hour surgery and chemotherapy (again) for oral cancer. The doctors believe that the radiation treatments he received to cure each of the cancers caused the subsequent cancer event.

Brian never let the illnesses slow him down. In fact, cancer had the opposite effect on him. Never knowing if and how long he might live, at a very young age his mother started exposing him to as many things as possible; art, music, food, sports, you name it. He was a natural athlete, excelled in many sports, liked to cook, won awards for his art, and even played piano.

In high school he discovered gymnastics and as an All-American gymnast he went on to graduate early with honors from the University of Illinois, Chicago. It was during college that he was diagnosed with his second cancer, Hodgkin’s disease. He then pursued a career in business, and after a few years moving through several positions with a major pharmaceutical and packaged goods manufacturer he began working to start up several successful placed-based media companies. For more information, please visit
