Author: Jane Smith, KGW staff

They’re called Orbs, the first dissolvable tobacco product introduced by a major tobacco company, R.J. Reynolds.

Oregon Partnership, a nonprofit group that works to prevent drug abuse among teens says the Orbs are a danger to young people.

The tablets have some teenagers doing a double take.                       

“It just looks like a normal mint and if it weren’t in that container it would be easy to pass of as a regular mint,” said Alex Hailey.

“It’s a tobacco product with nicotine it’s addictive unfortunately kids will probably be attracted to it,” said Pete Schulberg.

But Reynolds denies marketing to kids, saying Orbs are meant for adults.

The tablets hit the Portland market in January, the same month the city became smoke free in restaurants and bars.

Some parents worry the products are a more socially acceptable way of putting nicotine into the hands of smokers.

“I guess I’m wondering what’s the purpose? It seems like it’s trying to get around tobacco laws. It seems a little subversive,” said one parent.

The products are marked with warnings, it may cause mouth cancer and it’s not a safe alternative to cigarettes. While the products may be less harmful because they are smoke-free, they still contain nicotine and can be addictive, no matter what your age.