Author: Peter Gott, M.D.

Patients’ question:
In 1999, my dentist saw a discoloration on the floor of my mouth. He told me to see a doctor about it. The doctor talked me into having the spot surgically removed.

A while back, I remember reading in your column that, 95 percent of the time, discolorations in the mouth are nothing to worry about. Recently, I had a procedure done to see if I had oral cancer. That procedure revealed another abnormal area. I assume it is the same thing as what I had removed before but the doctors now want me to have the spot surgically removed with a laser.

I am hesitant and would like your advice. I have enclosed copies of both pathology reports, the first from 1999 and the second from a biopsy taken during the screening.

Dr. Gott’s response:
In your first pathology report, the lesion was examined under a microscope. Abnormal changes were noted. These changes were labeled as mild to moderate squamous epithelial dysplasia. Primarily, this means that the flat, platelike cells in the interior covering of your mouth were altered in size, shape and organization. It was not stated that this was cancerous, but in my opinion, these changes were probably precancerous. Thus, having the lesion removed was a smart choice.

Now, to the pathology report of your new lesion. According to the report, it very clearly showed that you have oral squamous cell carcinoma in-situ. This means that you have a malignant cancer that has not yet spread but unless immediate action is taken, it might.

Follow your doctor’s advice and have the lesion removed. You should also be under the care of an oncologist who can advise whether further treatment such as radiation or chemotherapy is necessary.

He or she can monitor you closely after surgery to ensure that the cancer has not spread to other areas of the mouth or body.