• 5/31/2005
  • London, England
  • British Dental Journal (2005); 198, 605. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4812409

Fifty-seven countries have agreed a range of approaches to control oral cancer worldwide. The countries have all committed to the Crete Declaration, a statement on approaches for effective control of oral cancer at a global level.

The participants of the 10th International Congress on Oral Cancer which took place in April in Crete, Greece, welcomed the initiative to analyse the evidence on oral cancer and the implications for prevention and public health programmes.

They also emphasised that oral health is an integral part of general health and wellbeing and expressed concern about the neglected burden of oral cancer which particularly affects developing countries with low availability of prevention programmes and oral health services.

In the declaration, the participants affirmed their commitment to oral health and general health as a basic human right.

They resolved to support the work carried out by national and international health authorities, research institutions, non-governmental organisations and civil society for the effective control of oral cancer.

They also looked at areas of work that should be strengthened. These included the provision of systematic epidemiological information on prevalences of oral cancer and cancer risks in countries, particularly in the developing world and promotion of research into understanding biological, behavioural and psychosocial factors in oral cancer, emphasising the inter-relationship between oral health and general health.